Gamers are badass

1  2021-06-29 by offshoreredditaccnt


I love the implication that if this dickling didn’t get to his violent video games and angry music quickly enough, he’d hulk out or something. He’s almost certainly either under 150 lbs or over 250 lbs

He 100% punched drywall once and his mother told him she got scared at how strong he is, and lives off that thinking he's some majestic turbochad with big boy strength.

He’s almost certainly either under 150 lbs or over 250 lbs

The k-farms user or the Twitter gamer lol?



He can't even "rise up" out of his chair.

Ah, the notorious Gamer Bellcurve.

jeez, i just hit 160 and i feel like a big fat guy

Awww so cute! Hims thinking himself a big man!

the emphasis there was on fat.

6' isn't big, it's just the bottom end of not-short. and my height hasn't changed

Pretty much same here. I hit 155, I'm 5 11, over the winter and I felt fat as shit. I started cutting back on food and started running again post injury and now I'm doing better at 150.

5 11

so when do you start HRT

I'm 5 11 and 3/4 of an inch so I act as a gatekeeper of those claiming to be 6 feet but aren't.

I hit 166 and I'm 1,80, or dunno 5 ammendmends and 11 rifles

Gotta lay off that beer

Don’t mess with me, I’m close to leveling up and you look like just enough xp

Don't mess with me, I'll spend five more minutes in looting

Put your money where your mouth is bitch and post behind your real name!


Android users are degenerates

Based and blue-bubblepilled.

No u

if that's what you gotta tell yourself to keep justifying your yearly purchasing habit of overpriced crap ...

u do u, bro

green bubble lol nerd

oh no. with material you coming out, you can change the bubble color!


such technology.

take that isheep!

It’s colored green to signify your communicating over sms and not the encrypted iMessage platform. Talking out ur ass bro, get bixbys invasive cock out of there

imagine not being able to change your chat colors cause apple thinks you're too stupid to select 2 different colors.

Imagine not having end to end encryption for default messaging in 2021

imagine trusting closed source software for security.

Yeah Google is clearly the better option for security and privacy lmaoooo

linux is open source, android is open source, and so is signal. not really sure what you're point is here.

Open source or not android makes a decent chunk of their money by spying on u and selling data. Google has a much worse track record for privacy and security in general than Apple.

So basically trying to argue that android is the better option for this reason is about the dumbest take you coulda made

i mean if you care that much you can install lineageOS, which isn't run by apple or google.

imagine being stuck with the software your phone manufacture gives you.

You can’t do that with any manufacturer without getting root access. And no one off the spectrum is doing all that. And ppl wonder why f*ids don’t like android guys ffs.

cause no one off the spectrum cares about security all that much.

i'm sure they would care about changing bubble colors though,

isheep are missing out!

so basically apple has normie appeal and justification for autismos. What does Android have again? an sd card slot? 😂

what autismo justification?

The superior security and privacy features compared to googles shit record and invasive business model to include android

i purposely let google record my location history so i have an auto-generated diary.

take that isheep!

Apple can do that too, difference is they don’t sell your data

why would google sell your data when it's primary business is, and always has been, selling ads based on your data? it doesn't want other ad companies to use that data, just it's advertising placement.

which i don't really care about cause i use an ad blocker.

Sure, whereas iOS 14 actively fights google and facebooks ad tracking.

Like I said, trying to argue the privacy and security standpoint is about the worst hill to die on talking about android vs Apple.

the thing about apple is you have no idea what it's actually collecting because all you can do is rely on what they tell you. no one can actually review the code. it definitely does collective some data, because you can turn on targeted advertising.

google's moving in a direction against tracking too cause it's planning on blocking literally a chrome cookies. i wouldn't be surprised if see phone popups for tracking on android in a year or two.

none of this actually matters to an average person cause it's just megacorp playing games with each other really.

why would I buy anything yearly? Apple phones are supported for 5-6 years while android is proud to get 3

Apple loyalists upgrade to new iPhones more frequently than Android users upgrade their phones. That doesn't speak to the quality of either devices, but let's not ignore that a good chunk of the iPhone's popularity is because it's a status symbol.

Android outclassed iOS in every metric years ago.

Such a classic ledditor circlejerk.

Compare the A14 to whatever snapdragon bullshit u want before you say stupid shit like that.

And again you completely ignore the support timeframes.

Apple users may upgrade more frequently because they want to, but with android you have to much sooner.

Don’t even get me started on android apps not actually accessing the camera either which is why pictures taken on android thru the Instagram app look like ass

It's Apple that has to pay millions for the endless planned obsolescence lawsuits they're hit with. Let's not pretend your exaggeration of their longer support timeframe makes up for that.

It's okay to pay more for a product that does less if flexing is important for you. Why fool yourself about why you do it?

They aren’t being fined for planned obsolescence ya hyperbolic ledditor, they slowed down the cpus of older phones because the newer versions of iOS would cause it to crash without it. They’re in trouble for not telling people, not for doing it.

The original iPhone SE came out 5+ years ago and is getting iOS 15, find me any android from that time that is still supported I’ll wait.

I use the new SE that I got for free by trading in an s9 with oled burn in and a shot battery. I know that doesn’t match ur imaginary straw man that Apple users just want to flex and there aren’t clear advantages but it’s good for you to lose that stupid stereotype in your mind.

hey dude you dropped your fedora

hey dude you dropped your soylent

lmao, androidcels absolutely seething.

If you’re older than mid 20s and can’t afford a 1k phone, you should feel bad for being poor

Only a soy consoomer drops 1k+ on a new phone every year, perfectly good phones last years on end.

Only an rslur reads my comment and finds the phrase “every year” in it. Go back to buying video games at 30 while calling people consoomers 🤣

You can't talk when your profile highlights your obsession with Apple products and product consooming. Actual soy shit.

Pretty sure flipping items for marked up profit to foreigners is the opposite of consuming fatty 🤧

At the end of the day, you're an iOSlet.

Samsung is notably more expensive than Apple now

Water headed iPhone user only knows Samsung Androids.

Even Pixel phones are superior to iPhone, embarrassingly so, and are still more affordable.

Samsung is the largest android company and most directly comparable.

LG is out of the game, Motorola is trying but isn’t a serious contender in the flagship phone market, oneplus is my favorite android but they are going the way of Samsung. The rest is Chinese trash.

Ur delusional to say the pixel beats iPhone at pretty much anything. iPhone always has the strongest cpu, beats the pixel at battery life and video recording. Pixel is competitive at taking pics at night. Congrats.

cope some more

consoom some more

dont need to my phone lasts for years

it sucks that youre so mad, at least your device has a microsd slot so you can easily hide your furry porn

Android is an OS, not a phone. I wouldn't expect an iOSlet to know that though.

based pajeets

because if you're rich enough for an iphone, you're rich enough to pay for the iphone upgrade plan, and not care?

unless you're just a poor just trying to act rich, i dunno man.

The iPhone SE 2 is $399 and has a stronger cpu than the Samsung s20. The stereotype of apple being the ultra expensive brand is outdated. Samsung has the most ridiculous prices now.


Android users are incels and iOS users are soys




Whats goin on with kiwifarms?

A train claimed on Twitter that he would derail himself because he was being harassed by New Zealand. People on Twitter took his statement at face value and are trying to get New Zealand destroyed. There is no evidence that the train in question is really dead and there is no evidence that New Zealand was harassing him like he claims.

Eh. Fuck new zealand. Bunch of smalltowers run by a glorified mayor. That land belongs to Palestine.

What? Can you please explain Idk what's going on anymore


u can drill me anywhere you want sweaty~ 😍😍😍😍💦💦

ok angry couch potato, like you know how to use a drill.


kinda sounds like bait

If this was 4chan then sure but Twitter users are too stupid to be subtle.


So angry he has to play violent videogames and listen to "angry" music. Had a pissant roommate who did this and had to play Doom 2016 on very easy because his crush he met briefly twice was getting engaged. Still can't believe more of these clowns exist lmao

Gamercide when?

Transistor pfp



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Just use l33t sp34k.

Come at me bro.

