(Mild drama) After some lunatic (or master baiter) tells noahgettheboat about his favourite hobby, the outraged Redditors of that sub become pro-doxxing.

1  2021-06-30 by busslordlowkeybussin


This is exciting! Someone has linked to this thread in a thread on rdrama.net! Is your snazzy content going viral? 🤯


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Holy shit, does this mean pinging is back?



>he linked to rdrama.net

Oooooohhh lawd this white boi can get it.

There are more pro-doxxing comments I couldn't be bothered screenshotting them all.

Rape isn't great.

Big if true

True if big

But what if it's large? 🤔

Source?? 🤔

D. Snuttz

Maybe you were just doing it wrong?

Nice find


There are no bad tactics; only bad targets.

Circumcision threads are the only places on reddit where leftoids and the occasional Fugee actively agree






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😂 Yoinked 3 times by autojannie


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