Game dev mad at Sony

1  2021-06-30 by offshoreredditaccnt


This guy’s developer is the maker of such classics as Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition, Doors of Insanity, Hazel Sky and The Legend of Tianding 🤭😂

If he would just stop making shitty games then he wouldn't have this problem.

Literally never heard of any of them

He majored in English Lit rofl.

He deserved everything he got.

English major's resumes get thrown immediately in the trash for poor time management.

Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition

weeby and gay

Doors of Insanity

homestuck hearthstone and gay

Hazel Sky

ugly, dumb and gay

The Legend of Tianding

chinkweeby and gay

theres my google search review

lol plebs get mad

I played yuppie psycho it was nice got it for free tho so i couldn't say I'd buy it

I've never heard of any of these games

I keep meaning to try Yuppie Psycho. It has shockingly good user ratings on Steam.


-Say's he's not afraid to burn bridges

-Won't name the console

Puss of a man really

Get through their incredibly difficult lotcheck spread over 3 generations of backend software


It doesnt have gamepass is what he said

He's just saying that to not upset our Microsoft Overlords.

Imagine being so cucked that you vomit all that word salad, and yet cannot name the company.

He probably made some stuff up in there, so he could be held liable for a lawsuit if he specifically named the company

He's not wrong, any game dev platform/professional community is an invite-only club with everyone busy jerking each-other off to remain invited.

Sony is a private company sweaty, they can do what they want! If you don’t like it, just set up your own 100 billion dollar entertainment empire.

And please bear in mind I am an English speaking British guy

As if that is worth mentioning.

On second thought, none of his crap is worth mentioning.

Plus, if he's so pissed at Console X, why not switch to Console Y, or Console Z? Did this ding-dong sign an exclusivity deal or what?

Welcome to japanese business practices. Want to make it? Don't try. They will contact you if you are worthy.

Japan, California

