1  2021-06-30 by CriticalDuty


Puddin pops are back on the menu for the 4th

Someone book him a standup appearance ASAP, it would be a drama hydrogen bomb.

Opening act: Louis CK

With guest MC Chris Delia

and Women drink free and wont be carded.

I actually think it makes sense

Basically in 2004 when the victim originally went to the police the DA thought they didn't have enough evidence to win in court. An agreement was struck for Cosby to testify in a civil suit where his fifth amendment protections would be waived. In turn the DA agreed not to use the four separate depositions (where he repeatedly incriminates himself) in any criminal case.

Cosby lost the civil suit and paid out nearly 3.5 million to the victim. Then a decade later the new DA decides that the old agreement didn't matter and used the depositions in Cosby's criminal case at the height of #MeToo (in the court documents lol). Problem is that the old agreement can't just be ignored because it's in effect made with the State of Pennsylvania not the DA, because they are just a representative.

Nevertheless I look forward to reading bird and reddit takes about how there's no justice in this country. Even though this is actually a pretty good example of the justice system working.

(Cosby also was denied an easy parole last year because he refused to express remorse over the incident, accept that he's a sexual offender and enter treatment. Stay true to the course king)

Nah the rationale is ironclad, clear 5th amendment due process violation, it's just ridiculous that two separate prosecutors would both 1. Make the original deal and 2. Ignore that deal, putting your entire case in jeopardy as has just happened.

I think the original deal makes sense. It was a way to get the victim some sense of justice when the alternative was none at all. They weren't ever going to get enough evidence to convict.

The second DA is an idiot but they probably knew it made no difference. It was during the height of Me Too and no one was going to defend Cosby (especially on procedural grounds) in the public eye. Hell even today you probably won't hear much about this. The AP story on it just alluded to some mercurial deal with the previous DA. If I was callous I would say they probably just expected the, then 81 year old, blind man to die in prison before the appeals made it to any court that mattered.

The real fuck up is this not being handled by the judge during the trial two years ago

Looking back, I think the worst miscarriage of justice here was the way the media got involved. Remember all the magazine covers? The public media pressure pretty much guaranteed miscarriage of justice and that the DA would push hard for conviction.

I mean he’s guilty lol

Guilt is a separate issue from prejudicing a jury and trying a case outside the courts. He also may be guilty of some of the allegations but not others. There are always bandwagoners with ridiculous stories that latch onto big media cases like this, often with fabricated evidence. The media always want to believe them all and seeit as thrir job to “get” the “bad guy” rather than pursue facts.

The real fuck up is this not being handled by the judge during the trial two years ago

Pretty sure I'd read that the judge had previously run for DA on the position of prosecuting Cosby and lost. I wonder why it wasn't handled 🤔

It's like they thought Cosby's defense lawyers were stupid and wouldn't figure that out.

cops and lawyers always think that they are too smart and that they can get away with anything

When legal systems go woke

Caring about due process is white supremacy.

I know you're joking but whenever journos or whoever do the x is white supremacy bit they make ethno nationalism sound all the more lovely.

And yet just like quaaludes, it got a black man off. (I’m sorry; that was in bad taste. I couldn’t resist.)

apologizing for bad taste


White supremacy getting a black man off? Take your buck breaking fantasies elsewhere.

It is an affront to #metoo and everyone involved should be #cancelled with extreme prejudice

Yeah I never dove too deep into that end but that does seem open and shut like testimony that shouldn't have been admitted.

I'm pretty baffled it got admitted but kind of unsurprised in retrospect. Another crazy part is that the depositions were supposed to be sealed per the original agreement. This was a pretty specific stipulation which was included for the exact purpose of protecting against the financial blowback it would have on his unique brand if made public.

Maybe a legalcel can opine about that. Because it kind of feels like unsealing the depositions and admitting them destroyed Cosby's brand.

Pennsylvania is going to get hung from a hook and drained of money.

It's not that an agreement was struck, per se. Rather the DAs office unilaterally made a binding and unconditional decision that it was never going to prosecute Cosby in any of the potential looming cases. This was done explicitly to deprive him of 5th Amendment protections in a civil case, since you can't incriminate yourself if there's no possibility of a criminal case. So Cosby was forced to testify without any explicit agreement, but deciding to prosecute him anyway is a retroactive violation of his 5th Amendment rights.

In terms of drama, it's the best of both worlds: everyone knows he did it, but legally he's innocent because the evidence the case relies on is inadmissible in court.

Will be even better when he takes PA to the bank for violating his rights.

Justice is when a rapist gets sent free

Weren’t most of his accusers POC

edit: bout a quarter from a photo array

tbh i have no idea, i think the woman who was at the center of the trial was not though, Andrea Constand or whatever

I keep getting auto jannied but if you google her it's the most racially ambiguous woman you'll ever see. From this and other photos I would swear she's a black woman. But here she's - I don't really know tbh.

Idk what race she is but there’s no way she’s not a train

So Billy was just buck breaking some ambiguous mayoid? Sounds like reparations he was entitled to then, so he shouldn't have been jailed in the first place regardless of any legalcel sperg wordswordswords technicalities wtf 😐🤨

There is a 200% chance that woman is a lesbian.

The college basketball player said the one thing Cosby missed was that she was a lesbian

You expect I actually read that shit?

She looks like a racially ambiguous female version of Brian May in the second pic

She looks like Sigurney Weaver if she had sex with herself for ten generations trying to breed the most Sigurney Weaver woman ever.


They were yakubians with blackface

Tariq obviously knows that.

Tariq was ready for that one: "When does white society care what Black women say?"




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Cosby also, you know, admitted it...

Is that man ever wrong?

Can't break this buck.

Can someone explain why this sub cares so much about this F-word?

He got his butt penetrated a while back and liked it but didn't want to like it so it caused him to break from reality. Now he produces soft-core black gay humiliation porn and skitzo hot takes for his cult following.

It is amusing and drama-filled so this sub tracks it routinely.

Because he is by far the best troll on twitter and a lot of people don't understand that he's a troll because of race politics in the US right now.

I can no longer discern trolls from real people on twitter.

How are you so sure he's trolling? seems legit to me.

All i see on his account is "Negro good white devil bad"

negro good white devil bad

Das rite white boy

I've been around on the internet a long time and I can absolutely tell this dude is trolling. Trolling white women today by saying Cosby is innocent and it's all white women's fault. Trolling hoteps earlier this month into watching gay porn fanfiction.

He produced an hour and a half long documentary about mayos systemically raping African-American slaves and turning them into trains via societal sissy hypno to rape them more. He is by far the greatest drama generator I have ever laid eyes on. Buck Breaking is an absolute masterpiece and you need to go watch it.

DJT before his brain turned to mush in the last few months was better.

"Negro good white devil bad"

Yes and? That's like been scientifically fact checked

"N*gro good white devil bad"

No lies detected


He's easily the greatest Twitter account since DDR was booted.

arrdrama is extremely committed to the mayocide bit and tariq is the same

He's fucking crazy. Just point and laugh.

He generates a lot of drama. The fuck do you mean that we shouldn't care about him?

That dude is such a scamming piece of shit..

I legit laugh when ppl don’t see how he moves

I hope he joins Twitter like the One True Prophet Orenthal James Simpson

I unironically read his tweets after NFL games for insight.

Lol. Now what, a new trial?

He can’t be retried for it. So unless he goes puttin’ puddin’ pops where he ain’t supposed to again, he’s out for good

he has 50+ accusers and this situation only involved a small number of them, I think he will at least be reprosecuted if any of them are still within the statute of limitations

The other accusers are mostly he said she said stuff, which is more difficult to prosecute. In this specific case, there was basically a confession available on Cosbys part, however that confession had been immunized from use in criminal trials. For whatever reason they were allowed to ignore the immunization until getting to the Supreme Court of PA. Ignoring the criminal immunity agreement, the evidence was much harder, they basically had a confession. The other 50, it is debatable whether there is a single case that has enough evidence left to be valid after this period of time.

I must also say that ignoring the immunity, and relying on what was basically compelled testimony, was bs and a gross violation of the 5th ammendment. The only reason the confession could be compelled in the first place, was the immunity. To ignore that later on violates 5th amendment, you are relying on compelled testimony. However I do absolutely think Cosby is guilty. It's pretty awkward, the PA Supreme Court is right here, but also I think Cosby is almost definitely a rapist. But it's also not clear that any further case can pass muster. Sad.

This scenario FYI is pretty much the nightmare scenario for these type of immunity agreements, and why they're bs in a lot of cases. Chelsea Manning was similarly compelled to testify after an immunity of this sort, she refused and was imprisoned. But it's clear from cases like this that ignoring defendants concerns about incriminating themselves because of a piece of paper from the prosecutors saying "won't prosecute, I promise <3" is a bs practice in general. If the right prosecutor and judge in the future try to tear up the agreement, they can get pretty fucking far before getting slapped down, and you've spent years in prison.

None of the other documented ones are so far. This one only barely made it to trial literally days before the statute ran out.

This case was filed 9 days before the SoL so doubtful

Yeah, he’s a free man lmao

It’s not funny when a rapist buys his way out of incarceration.

At least now he’s old and blind, and no woman will ever be alone with him except his disgusting wife or the traitor to truth Phylicia Rashad.

Keshia! Don’t be stupid and hang out alone with tv daddy- and don’t accept food or drink.

It’s not funny when a rapist buys his way out of incarceration.

I beg to differ, it’s positively hilarious 😭

Not edgy, just morally retarded.

Why are people downvoting the lolcow 😡


Depending on the evidence available, he could be retried for it. Double jeopardy doesn't apply to mistrials or convictions overturned on appeal.

Hopefully since he’s an admitted rapist. Prosecutor can definitely bring one if they want. It wouldn’t count as double jeopardy in the current situation at least.

It got overturned because he accepted a deal earlier, and then a new prosecutor said "nvm lol". He can be charged with the other women, but this one is done pretty much.

lol you r*pecuck

Shameful this deep state character assassination got this far.


2016 started with Kanye tweeting he’s innocent. Maybe we’ve closed the loop in the alternate universe now and things will get normal.

Eagerly anticipating the announcement of the creation of the Cosby-OJ podcast where they spend an hour every week talking about how great double jeopardy laws are.


No No No, we said free BRITNEY!

holy shit, this is incredible for drama






How would taking a downer, enhance sex?

Why do 🐦 people always get amnesia when they want to make some dumb gotcha? They're acting like stoners don't regularly talk about having sex while high

But why would anyone combine sex with drugs?

It's simply incomprehensible.


Triumphant return of House of Cosbys when/

Interesting. Most people would probably think it was serious beeswax for an elderly Blick man to have his constitutional rights violated, so I'll grab some popcorn and watch this one with interest.


No, that not what this is.

This isn't finding that he's innocent, or even that the trial court didn't meet "reasonable doubt" rules.

This is only finding that the DA violated his due process rights (specifically, his right against self-incrimination).

They decided that it doesn't matter that he's guilty; the old DA made a deal not to prosecute and the new DA is not allowed to alter that deal.

He was innocent until the judge ruled he was not, since the ruling is void he's innocent again.

Legally, yes, but the prosecution was based around his personal admission of guilt in a civil case, so, like, we all know he did it.

Based on the immunity thing it was the prosecutor that fucked up. Cosby never should've been charged based on that and the judge never should've allowed it. Ridiculous all around.

Freed from the shackles of white supremacy




Seems like the State Supreme court was sending a message to participants of the "Me Too" witch hunt that passed as the prosecution on Mr. Cosbys second trial.

