Mr. Nasneed has something to say about Uncle Bill's conviction being overturned

1  2021-06-30 by dawnofthedawgs


Doe breaking is back on the menu boys!

Doe Drilling

More like Jello Pie Filling.

Our bussylord Tariq shows solidarity with gussy-preferring kang, just the kind of unity we need right now💪🏿

He needs to go after that race traitor Hannibal Buress.

Where did this guy even come from?

I like to believe the collective energy of this sub created him.

Lol. That was an embarrassing rabbit hole. Ok, apparently, he used to write books about dating. "The Art of Mackin" and "The Art of Gold Digging." He built an entire brand based on being a self-proclaimed pickup artist. So coming in hot with the cringe. Then he shifted his focus to becoming an online political commentator. The only information I could find about his education was that he attended some high school classes. His official bio says he went to California at 17 so no clue if he finished his high school degree.

He's one of those guys with no education or actual knowledge, but has a huge following of even more morons, and he basically has a soapbox for his low iq takes. He brings some hilarious seethe, but he's a prime example that social media was a mistake.

So he poorly stole a classic bit from Redd Foxx. Not cool. It perpetuates the stereotype that black men steal.

Pull the thong out yo bussy, my man.


The grift never ends

The funny thing is that the Prophet Tariq (PBUH) is accurately paraphrasing exactly what the PA Supreme Court ruled. The trial shouldn't have happened because of the agreement between the DA's Office and Cosby about waiving his rights and testifying in a civil trial in exchange for the DA's Office agreeing no criminal charges would be filed.

Yas 👑 LoL

Chuck breaking