Cyclist bikes around bar circling it many times while blasting loud music and fucking with the bouncers. Eventually he gets the shit kicked out of him and the cops just laugh at him.

1  2021-07-01 by TheColdTurtle


tl;dw - cyclist acts like a self-righteous prick, lies about shit, cops ignore him, and I lost interest after skimming up to 10:00.

cyclist acts like a self-righteous prick


According to the comments the hero who punched him got charged with assault and the bar got fined. I hate unhappy endings :(

2 year old video


Old and long, basically WORDSx3

All of this could have been avoided had the sea peoples done a more thorough job.

"You just realized you just committed assault right?"*continues to commit vandalism on a vehicle*

All of this because he wanted to be a prick, instead of just going around the car on an empty fucking street

This dude does this all the time. He specifically starts shit with people. There is so many times when he is breaking the law but still claims that he does nothing wrong

30 minute video but it is worth it.

I dont even want to watch a 30 second gif and you post a 30 min video? Man good luck.
