Derek Chauvin Apparently Closing In On Federal Plea Deal

1  2021-07-01 by GillsGT


Why would he choose a plea deal when it was a show trial anyway? Couldn't he get a retrial completely?



This your brain on /pol/ I bet you believed the defence made a fantastic case and was going to get all the charges dropped.

You people are living in a different plane of reality. Admit it, the muderer was convicted of murder.

I should have said "if it was a show trial", either way I don't strictly hold a certainty on anything these days. It's okay to be sceptical. You seem a bit emotional over it.

you are r-slurred


Schrödinger’s seriousposter

You're invited to a show trial of deez nutz

And you seem to think a person who posed no risk , when every single bystander said he posed no risk, and along with the effect of standing on that persons' neck for 8 minutes has nothing to do with his death.

Derek Chauvin has 18 previous misconduct complaints against him. This time he got caught on video tape

Yeah, I just thought it would be manslaughter, not murder. Anyways, the USA is one big drama post.

Derek Chauvin has 18 previous misconduct complaints against him. This time he got caught on video tape

That's not really saying much given that he had been on the force for about 19 years. That's only about 1 complaint a year. Think about how many interactions police have with people. Do you think those are all positive?

A better line of argument would be that 2 of those complaints ended with discipline, i.e. those were cases that the department had a problem with. Likely a pattern of abusive behavior.

Or pointing out that Chauvin has held people under neck restraint before. Such as when he held the teen who allegedly attacked his mother under his knee for 17 minutes after hitting him with a flashlight so hard he needed stiches.

Who cares what he pleads to when Trump is just going to pardon him?


Him and his now ex wife also have that felony tax evasion trail coming up too where they were committing some sort pretty serious tax fraud and lying about income and residency repeatedly. He may get lucky and get that to run concurrently too. If they are consecutive instead between the state, the fed, and the his other trail he wouldn’t be getting out for pretty much ever.

The fact that he hasn't kept himself safe yet is amazing.

George Zimmerman has shown us that if he ever sees daylight again, Chauvin can make a decent amount of money grifting people who enjoy a good lynchtour.

Imagine the edgecred a rightoid would get with a picture of ACTUALLY Chauvin's knee on his neck. Charge a $1000 apop for these, run for mayor in Kentucky; honestly, Chauvin could be living on easy street, if he's racist enough.

Plea deal for what.

He has federal civil rights violation charges heading his way. This won’t effect his 22.5 year prison stay.

I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


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