A libertarian podcaster has a hot take, and you won't believe what it's about!

1  2021-07-01 by Shubard75



Sex offender

Is it really that difficult to just stay out of the pants of children?!

Lmao I'm actually in disbelief. I could understand some debate-lord making a point about developed 17 year olds or whatever, but 13 years old... dude that's grade 7/8



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See? How hard was that?

Right? I gotta agree that some 16 y/o girls might be able to fool people into thinking they're actually 21 but for fucks sake, 13? That's an actual child both inside and outside. How do you ever feel attracted to that and how not immediately take a rope

But what if the kids are hot and ready to go???

Then you take them to the beach.

Then you walk into the surf and keep walking.

Into a wave of mutilation, perhaps.


Its all so tiresome

Bruh if I ever saw you irl

Let's go.

The guy kept saying "what do I tell my ex-wife, who had an affair with her high school teacher and doesn't regret it?" Dude, she's your fucking ex wife, what do we care what you tell her. And her shenanigans doesn't mean adults should be banging 13 year olds. Has anyone been around a 13 year old lately? They're kids.

13 year olds are among the most annoying kids, I don't understand how even a pedo can tolerate them

It is prime fingerbanging age tho, you should crave them!

He should tell his ex wife to stop being a slut lmao. Nah but seriously his ex wife was raped and shes just in denial about it. I dont know why we should except testimonies from victims that enjoyed it in the argument of whether rape is good or bad. It’s as biased as asking an actual rapist

He should stop talking to his ex-wife. Why do people insist on maintaining relationships with exes?


>I've known many people—women and men—who had sex with adults when they were 13


I remember being 13 and a classmate told us she had sex with her uncle and that she enjoyed it.

Though she had the thickest hick accent I've ever heard, so I guess her uncle was just keeping family traditions alive instead of doing libertarian praxis

All of those 13 year old people were probably locked up in his basement when they had sex.

He goes to the Libertarian National Conventions.

I hope the "MAP" community tries to assimilate (I mean they have already) with the librarians

Rightoids have a hard time believing there are straight pedophiles.

Yeah, its a prime example of people swallowing their own redpill. They spent so long claiming that the gays are pedophiles, that they can to believe that the ONLY pedophiles were people who were gay. Therefore, if you aren't gay, no matter what you do you aren't actually a pedophile

No step on snek and diddling pre-teens are inherently connected anymore. 100% of cases.

These are the people who talk to you about politics, unsolicited while in line at an Arby's, just to tell you your party sucks and they have big brains for being 3rd partiers.

Marijuana legalization destroyed their only good talking point

All they have left now are polygamy, full auto assault rifles and kiddy diddling

libertarian wants to fuck kids

imagine my shock

This guy is a postmodernist, at least according to his interview on rogan. Weird how that keeps happening with that lot.

Weirdo nerds who think all social constructs only exists because evil moralizing people made them and try to debate them out of existence are bound to tackle age of consent at some point.

Between this, the 1977 French petition, and the yearly kink at pride drama, I'm starting to this post modernism might be a better marker of nonces than libertarianism

I fucking knew it before i even clicked

Why are people posting woodchippers? What's the reference?

That’s from Fargo, unrelated scene. They’re just saying they want to put him through a wood chipper because he is a pedophile advocate and probably has desires to fuck children.

When did Twitter become based?

As soon as you leave the blue check/anime pfp twittersphere

a lot of weebs are pretty based, you'd be surprised




its true desu

It happens occasionally

That's where the pedos go.

a movie where some dude feeds some other dude through one

What does Tucker and Dale vs Evil have to do with this?

Even if you believed this why the fuck would you choose this hill to die on? I swear some people don't realize you can just give your opinion on the bird site and not spend hours arguing with people in your mentions.



Water wet

Just reading that conversation has left me feeling greasy.

Anyone got an archive ? Tweet got deleted/jannied

Twitter is dumb , just keep reloading

Works on my machine

Works for me.

I think it may not always load on phone browser. Just keep reloading or open in app

Bird-brained cunnysseur on a mission. He will not be denied.

Bet this guy also has a problem giving hormones to kids

What the fuck


It's literally impossible to parody libertarians



80% of the replies are centrist consider both sides retards. Americans need to do better, or I can't browse arr Drama twitter threads anymore for fear of brain rot.

Maybe you shouldn’t have sex with people who are getting started to learn about fractions, but that’s my personal opinion...


libertarians literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting


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