Europoors get triggered after being told to stop texting like a 13-year old girl on a Motorola Razr

1  2021-07-02 by JanetYellensFuckboy


Lord, grant me the confidence of this 3/10 with freakishly small feet lecturing an entire continent.

shoulders rolled forward

wearing his coat around his waist like an idiot that didnt think about heat/the hike/weather, like some cringe 80s movie "cool dude"

unconfident smile

cringe shorts with some stupid pajama like pattern

non hiking shoes, but on some rugged trail with a view

bio is 'data center firmware & hardware security stuff' aka "I do IT stuff but have no real idea what I'm actually doing"

Holy fuck I'm mean. I can pwn this guy easily and make his life miserable.

The coat may be justified depending on how tall that mountain is. Some mountains the trailhead will be 90 and the summit will be 20.

True, but usually you'd ball up your jacket in a hand, or at least discard it by the side for a quick photo op.


T. Backpacker-cel

well now you just sound overly-vain

I'm a big optics cuck since I'm a cringe artist

You do be right tho

Bruh I'm not gonna hold my jacket in my hand for the entire duration of a 6000 ft climb. Dude should've just brought a bag

There’s no way that guy can hike anything higher than an anthill

Lmao what is wrong with you

That guy's hobby is seething online

I will save this and use it when someone at cscareerquestions argues with me

non hiking shoes, but on some rugged trail with a view

the alps have roads with views like that, it's unlikely he's all that far from one.


Rather have freakishly small than my freakishly huge tbqh


Feet pics. Now.


He looks like the typical cscareerquestions shit poster.

Don't believe me? Try posting something there and see the lectures and smug/insulting posts

bald with wisps of hair, the torso of a malnourished 13 year old


Flagge von Deutschland / data center firmware & hardware security stuff @google

Ah yes. A Kraut trying to be woke like an American.

🇩🇪 -> TX -> NM -> CA

Wow that's a long string of bad decisions.

Profile Pic

Looks exactly how I expected.

He looks like he's one "lets just stay friends" away from trainsitioning tbqhwyfam


He looks amd acts like the average redditor. If I go a bit further he sounds like the average smug guy at cscareerquestions lol

cscareerquestions is just full of posers trying to look cool. Has been that way since like 2013? 2014? When i first browsed it a bit to see if I wanted to move to Sillicon Valley to try to be a code monkey for 150k+ a year

Then i realized those people are even more fucking nerdy than me and literally never hugged, kissed, or touched a girl outside their family members.

I am a software engineer but I try not to behave like those guys at cscareerquestions. You are right it's one of the most toxic places on reddit. If you post a situation people will use your words to smugly insult you and some will even start an argument with you in the post.

I stopped posting there

>works for Google

A good flag to indicate their opinions should be ignored.

A good flag to indicate their existence should be ignored.



Germany to texas is a great move. IT pays dogshit in Europe.

IT pays dogshit in Europe.

I make 120k Euros as a web developer.

So maybe you're just dogshit?

Or in Eastern Europe?

Or both?

Lots of choices there sweaty.

I make 120k Euros as a web developer.

Sure you do, Guillaume.

What is the pay like in eastern Europe?

Two horses.

Three if you can speak fluent English.

Virgin " ;) “

Imagine not sending full size Minions macros to your clients and colleagues.


If the first thing you do isn't set your preferred email font to comic sans at a new job, then iunno what the fuck you doing in an office

Go big or go home with Wingdings font



Frogs are worse imo

A nuke to Paris and another to Berlin would solve all of EU's woes.

Like Germs are mostly just kind of a-slurred but Frogs are just smug and refuse to properly speak English so communicating with them is a pain

Used to be the cultural capital of the world until July 1914. They are so butthurt lmao

No joke I couldn't find my way one time and no one spoke English to me lol

If you travel to some of the less relevant regions like Grand Est then you can come across people who are genuinely really nice and hospitable. It's the Parisians who are douchebags.

They’re nice but it’s still a pain in the ass to communicate with someone who knows like 5 English words

it's a pain in the ass for anyone to communicate with an a*glo, let alone one that can't be bothered to make an effort to say "where can I find the nearest mcdonalds" in the native language and fly into a fit of rage over tourists who can't speak english while visiting their own countries

french is hard ok 😔

but yes EOs are pretty annoying as well

Hello sex tourist, how that Hungarian Magyar baby is doing....? The timing was odd... Just sayin' 😎

I fucking love American tourists group who dare to visit our shithole, they're usually very nice and friendly.

are you a magyar?


Not even funny, just like Germans.

As a German I gotta agree

Worse are Germans that want to be (woke) like Americans.


He is right about one thing most ehropeans arw smug and arrogant lol

Not our fault we’re the best ;)


You literally fuck Xivu Arath, the lowest tier hive waifu

;) with clients? No.

Internally on Teams? Gifs all day.

What the fuck is wrong with the good ol' :)

that gets changed to 🙂

but some people suck at reading.

winky face should only be used sarcastically or to flirt. but why u flirtin' on Teams or some other work messenger dog. hella cringe.

Teams also changes :D to a laughing emoji which makes no sense, like have the people working at MS ever used these things?


Teams is based on Electron. And I want to REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED at REDACTED around REDACTED because fuck you for wasting 1-2GB of RAM for a shitty chat client that IRC has done better for 20+ years.

What do you mean a glorified chat client shouldn't use the same amount of memory as Visual Studio with the debugger running?!?

Ryan Dahl deserves torture.

nerd ra/g/e

Gifposters are equally obnoxious

Lotta Europeans in these comments willfully revealing themselves as smug or arrogant

Reddit in one sentence

Europoors need another mongol asiatic Soviet tank stampede to remind them to stop being so smug

I cannot overstate how much you should stop using ";)" when talking to Americans in a professional context.

I thought nobody with a brain would use emojis in a professional environment.

he said he was addressing europeans

Really. I don't understand why this simple message caused so much seethe, cope and perhaps dilation.

A guy I know at work overuses that smiley ;) lol

He might secretly be a European 😱

I live in europe

He might publicly be a European 😱

Imagine using an emoji unironically deary me 🤭🤭

He has a German flag on his profile. Does he think going to the us made him american lol?

He definitely looks like one.



TIL i'm a EURO
