Antivaxxer unearths sinister kosher plot

1  2021-07-02 by AntiP--sOperations


There, I fucking said it. I'm not suicidal, but the past year and a half has left me fucking drained, emotionally and mentally. I fucking HATE the clownish, virtue-signalling and inhumane behavior that's accepted and even encouraged by social media. I am just so fucking sick of having utter narcissistic morons wag their fucking fingers at me, lecturing and "educating" me on everything when they haven't got a single fucking independant thought floating through their thick fucking heads. I am tired of keeping my mouth shut around people so I don't get screamed at and hate-mobbed when they shit out some inane opinion or word-salad phrase like "trust the Science" that they've just had beamed straight from their phone screen and Twitter feed directly into their fucking peanut-brain.

This video just fucking did it for me today. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. We have lost our fucking humanity and minds over a jumped up cold virus. You NPC cucks can FUCK RIGHT OFF with your spluttery, mush-mouthed, condescending fucking defense over the absolute atrocities that have been committed in the name of "flattening the curve". I can't fucking tell you how angry I am, and the fact that others aren't as pissed off as me only fucking enrages me more. The time for excuses and exasperation at what the government, the media and the fucking spineless public have done to the world was fucking over months and months ago! WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING RAGE!?

I will NOT live in a fucking world where masks are required just to go outside because of the insanely slim chance there might be a cold virus lurking around the corner; where people are censored and shut-down at every turn just for going against what the government and mob say; where people are bullied and shamed into becoming lab rats for a fucking experimental "vaccine" only for them to be bullied and shamed when they get fucking side effects from the fucking thing! You ought to be fucking ashamed of yourselves! Who am I fucking kidding? If you had any shame to begin with you wouldn't find the idea of walking around like a fucking twat wearing a piece of cloth on your face so agreeable.

What's worse is knowing you utter sacks of dog-shit will come around to our way of thinking in the end when it's all too fucking late and all of this cack has been fucking normalized. "mAyBe wE wErE wRoNg hUh? maYbE dEsTrOyInG tHe EcOnOmY To sAvE gRaNdMa waSnT sUcH a HOt iDeA aFtEr aLL nOW tHAt SheS sTArVed to DeAtH?" FUCK! I just can't fucking put it any more plainly for you fucking smooth-brained fuck-sacks! GRAN WILL DIE IF THIS CONTINUES AND YOU WON'T BE THERE FOR HER WHEN SHE FUCKING DOES. I feel like fucking grabbing each and every one of you and shaking some fucking sense into you! My bet is Gran would rather die than carry on living like this anyway!

If it wasn't for my wife, my best friends and the lot of you on here I don't know how I'd have made it through this past year and a half. You're all fucking legends and you deserve to know I appreciate each and every fucking one of you. We are on the right side of history. We are fighting for freedom, bodily autonomy, and our children's future. The fucks on the anti-NNN subs fight for censorship, medical tyranny and their grandma's future, what little there fucking is left of it, which will be spent in isolation and misery if they carry on endorsing lockdowns, vaccine passports and authoritarian government shit-heads. They are the selfish ones, NOT US.

Snappy pls.

All of that cortisol, thrown into the void.

This edgelord’s Twitter banner is him flipping off the AstraZeneca building.

What a rart. Mod him.

Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Antivaxxer unearths sinister kosher... -,*

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