“We've been working towards our revenge since the Sansa rape in Season 5. Groupthink will not overcome logic and determination. The Truth always comes out.”

1  2021-07-02 by SandorClegane_AMA

Guess who:

(savage grin)

For a subreddit ostensibly founded to be "a peaceful place to avoid conflict" where fans of the Game of Thrones TV show can just talk about the parts they like....most of what you guys do is just post threads either mocking critics, or, posting lists of ratings/streaming numbers and awards and accolades D&D bought...in order to reassure yourselves? I thought this would be full of "top episode lists" or favorite cosplays or something.

An interesting phenomenon to consider are doomsday cults: what happens after the predicted doomsday comes and goes? The UFO doesn't show up?

Research devoted to this has shown that the remaining cultists, those who don't quit on the spot, actually go on recruitment drives, aggressively trying to get other people to agree with them.

You see in any cult-like devotion, be it to religion or TV or "the cult of celebrity", it's really a complex web of reasons for believing in it - the whole "Projection" thing where they apply value and meaning to it that it never had. Why go on a recruitment drive though? Their conception of Truth is based on popularity, group consensus, not objective reality.

Notice that when I - and many others - write about "the later seasons were bad"....WE don't try to cite "look how many other articles agree with my standpoint" but point to an abstract set of principles and evidence. Numbers are irrelevant.

If you truly wanted to defend Game of Thrones and David Benioff, you'd be making essays - structured essays of merit, I should say, not long forum posts - articulating why what happened made sense. Instead from what I've seen from that Dvir guy and others, it just sort of trails off into "I felt feels when the music was surging while the actors were making emotive faces with no dialogue". That's not storytelling, it isn't even "Acting", and it's not screenwriting.

Whatever reasons you have for putting D&D on a pedestal - Projection, or simply Sunk Cost Fallacy - you actually don't spend most of this subreddit "free from internet drama, discussing what was good about the show in isolation".

All you did was try to make your own mirror image of FreeFolk , but with the hypocrisy of trying to claim "it's peaceful". It's just in reverse here.

But you're lying to yourselves; you didn't free yourselves of internet drama and arguments about the show....most of your threads are just reactions to criticisms.


We've been working towards our revenge since the Sansa rape in Season 5. Groupthink will not overcome logic and determination. The Truth always comes out.


That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner
with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

(savage grin)

puts on my robe and wizard hat

swordshit in current year

How the fuck can you make it to current year +6 and still be writing like the "nothing personal kid" meme

Not enough normie interaction.

(savage grin) Does anyone know the proper sugar ratio for homemade sweet tea?


Pirate Flag


.... if you want to see more of the greatest hits of the greatest Wiki sperg in the 7 kingdoms.
