Zoomer TicTocker loses spitting cobra in NC neighborhood, news article links to his FB page and concerned citizens air their grievances

1  2021-07-02 by Ravensthrowit


The HOA of his neighborhood need to make a rule of no venomous pets. If i lived in this neighborhood, I'd be livid. I love snakes.. but there is zero reason that a person should have a venomous one for a pet.

How to tell us you're white without saying you're white.

Who do you think keeps venomous snakes as pets? Black people? There is only one race in this country that thinks owning a heckin' slithery boi whose saliva could kill 300 children is cute and wholesome.


Not trusting retards with venomous pets means you're white?

Yeah I guess that checks out


A couple of days ago someone spotted an African spitting cobra on someone’s front porch in a Raleigh neighborhood. Which is kind of odd, seeing as they aren’t native to the area.

A hunt started for the snake, and people demanded answers. For those of you who don’t know, NC is kind of a hot bed for venomous snake owners (not even a lot of North Carolinians know this, because why would you). It’s one of the few states here is the US where you can own, like, anything. I’ve seen videos Gaboon Vipers, King Cobras, sawscale vipers, and this kid apparently had a Green Mamba. We know he had a Green Mamba because he almost freakin died after he was bitten by one this year. If you don’t know how much Anti venom costs it can range from a couple hundred dollars per vial for common snake bites to up to $14,000 for a vial of king cobra venom, and it can take 25+ vials depending on the toxicity and snake type. Needless to say, this kid is having a tough year so far.

On top of that, after people discovered it was his snake that escaped (which either he didn’t know escaped or neglected to tell his neighbors that a snake that spits venom at your fucking face escaped from his parents house) people have been flocking to his page to tell him what they think. My personal favorite is the old woman dunking on him for living with his parents lol.

There really is. I know an autistic dude with a 9" penis who pulls this shit in Boone. And a guy over 40 with a 4" penis who does the same in Greensboro.

Those penis sizes were vital for your anecdote.

It colors the scenery

That's what we call "world building" in show business.

Autistic like he posts on here or autistic like you watched a sperg whip his meat out and start moaning and beating off in public and you stared long enough to get a good estimation of his size?

🙄 Autistic like he told me he goes to group meetings with other people with autism once a week. Fine, ok. 9 inches is 9 inches. But the whole snakes thing mixed with him not understanding conversations and jokes just wasn't my cup of tea. 4" dude just was a regular person but had 4 inches. So it was a hard pass. I think he married a local news reporter though!

What does cock size have to do with this

🙄First day gay dating? You always establish cock size and send photos first so you don't accidentally end up dating a guy for three months only to find out he has a 2 incher🤢🤮 Or phimosis😱 Or once I saw this 3 incher that literally was so skinny it looked like a bit off piece of a Slim Jim😩 Dick pics are the unsung heroes of gay dating. Ask for them!


What’s that?

this 3 incher that literally was so skinny it looked like a bit off piece of a Slim Jim

How does that even happen?

Phimosis is when the skin can't be stretched over the dead head on uncircumcised penises, and in some cases the dick head grows to be oddly small. So you're trying to pull the skin back and don't understand the physics of it because the dick head is so tiny. It was weird

Slim Jim dick was I guess just genetics. I can still remember how he took off his boxer briefs and it just looked like a bite of a Slim Jim.

We’re learning!


To estimate the cock size of the Cobra owner

You sound so straight right now.

Do you know the penis size of everyone you met?

Boone is like another planet

Autistic dudes are always hung af. I think this is similar to why autism makes you more "male" in thinking (aka socially r-slurred). The funny consequences of this and the autistic fascination with model train sets is that the average real women has a fatter cock than the average man.

It’s one of the few states here is the US where you can own, like, anything.

This isn't exactly true. My home is one of the 4 states that doesn't have state-wide rules about owning exotic or dangerous animals. It is left to individual counties to determine the rules, and every county that has a large population (including Raleigh, where he is) has rules and regulations about license and registration and supposedly proving qualification to handle it.

It's the largely underpopulated and rural areas that don't really have any specific rules.

I’m on a couple NC Reptile groups and I’m pretty sure the guy who owns the king cobra and Gaboon vipers lives in Raleigh/very close by. I think there are actually more restrictions on large snakes than venomous in Raleigh, but I can’t recall of the top of my head.

I've been doing a little further reading, and I guess I was wrong. :( They're not as strict about this as I thought they were.

I mean, I’m sure there are counties that have rules, but yeah you don’t even need a license to own one. Just need to give it a tight lid and clearly label it and you’re good to go.

Imagine ever admitting to being wrong

I'm rooting for the snake.

I hope the zoomer looks like the fat hacker from Jurassic Park.

I saw a video where this guy found a snake in his yard and he peppered it with buckshot absolutely shit on it