Homesick for a place you're not sure exists? Well look no further

6  2020-06-13 by JeffWeiWei

First off, sorry to advertise my subreddit in your community, but I believe it can truly become great, if given enough members and time.


This is major. This is epic. Brought to you by members of CringeAnarchy , Coomer, and Deuxrama.

In a few weeks, days even, however long the AHS tard’s attention span lasts, the sub mentioned below will make you, me, and my mother shit our pants. Right now, it’s a mafia front, without the mafia.

However, to return to the glory of the subs ancestors, we need YOU. Deuxchads with the highest quality shitposts to make the sub gr8.

Join the sub r/AN4S to start worshipping Anas and to return to tradition.


Thanks king


The strong shall survive 👌🏿

Mod can u unsticky this post lol

Call me that again you bitch

sorry sempai uwu