Duex is gone

1  2020-06-17 by cumgangster69

For the deuxcel our only semi permanent solution is moving to ruqqus or becoming fugees. And I choose +deuxrama


There's a completely unrelated sub called duexrama that you might want to join

Edit: FUCK


I can’t go on, consumeproduct and politicalcompassmemes are the only good subs anymore.

Even then theyre both kinda meh

They actually suck cock. So much shit consoom could talk about and they stick with fapping and the blacks.

I shall lurk in the shadows and wait for the day r/Drama reopens and then start sharing in all their threads.

We will ban you and all you can do to get around it is create a new account.

You will never be let back in now

Your time is nigh... evildoer!

Nice try troll.

One joke

Two genders

No wojak?

I win.

I ran out 😭

It's okay little dude!

The man, have a good one!

Seethe on

Give up. You will never find a home.

