Duex is gone
1 2020-06-17 by cumgangster69
For the deuxcel our only semi permanent solution is moving to ruqqus or becoming fugees. And I choose +deuxrama
1 2020-06-17 by cumgangster69
For the deuxcel our only semi permanent solution is moving to ruqqus or becoming fugees. And I choose +deuxrama
3 Israel-Did_9-11 2020-06-17
There's a completely unrelated sub called duexrama that you might want to join
Edit: FUCK
4 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
3 Lkea404 2020-06-17
I can’t go on, consumeproduct and politicalcompassmemes are the only good subs anymore.
1 cumhugs 2020-06-17
Even then theyre both kinda meh
1 Bummunism 2020-06-17
They actually suck cock. So much shit consoom could talk about and they stick with fapping and the blacks.
2 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
I shall lurk in the shadows and wait for the day r/Drama reopens and then start sharing in all their threads.
-1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
We will ban you and all you can do to get around it is create a new account.
1 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
>We will ban you and all you can do to get around it is create a new account.
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
You will never be let back in now
2 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
>You will never be let back in now
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
Your time is nigh... evildoer!
2 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
>Your time is nigh... evildoer!
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
Nice try troll.
2 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
>Nice try troll.
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
One joke
1 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
Two genders
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
No wojak?
I win.
2 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
I ran out 😭
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-17
It's okay little dude!
1 FukinSukinCukin 2020-06-17
The man, have a good one!
1 SirCheekus 2020-06-17
Seethe on
1 Racist-Femboy 2020-06-17
Give up. You will never find a home.
1 [deleted] 2020-06-17
1 [deleted] 2020-06-17