Diversity hiring

1  2020-06-21 by QuadNarca

I have to apologize, even though I tried everything to support social justice, defend black bodies, and combat the spread of white supremacy I failed you. Why? I did not give oppresed minorities a chance to be moderator. I apologize, I regret it so much. I was like the white colonizers, when they genocided the natives and traded slaves, and I know there is no justification for my actions. I still hope you can forgive me, but I know I would not forgive myself. So I decided to hire moderators from all opressed groups so they can have a voice, that was silenced by me.

If you are a member of any of these minority groups, the more the better, you can apply, we need at least 1 person from each minority group, people who are member of more groups are prefered, I'll edit the post whenever we find new people, I already hired 2 people before this post, so say hello to them:

Black person: u/Goddd-Howard

Transgender: u/TranstrasserismNow

Female: u/TranstrasserismNow




Gamer: u/Goddd-Howard, u/TranstrasserismNow


Disabled person: u/Goddd-Howard

Sperg: u/TranstrasserismNow








It's okay, we still luv u even though you're a fuckin huwhite male

Hello I am a quarter Jewish and also bisexual so I would like to take 25% of the Jewish position and 50% of the homosexual position tyvm :)

I'll take the remainder of the Jewish position because I know how they think. 👃👏

I have diabetes, does that counts ?

While you do this, I'm going to keep approving unapprovedcels in the hopes that someone spergs out.

Hey I'm non binary and would love to change this pit of racism into an LGBTQ saf space!

Im italian does that count

I'm the perfect candidate, a half-native-american, half-asian non-binary Muslim sex worker from Albania, with the pronouns he/she

I don't know if I can believe you, it sounds a joke.

Is my origin so funny to you? Racist.

How did your native American ancestors get from America to Albania?


hire me i am chadjeet

I am a Muslim Indian with a micropenis.

u/shid_pile69 apply

Minors are not allowed in this establishment


I'm Indian give me power

Proof it

hello i am jewish!!!! i can post curly hair jew hebrew afro as proof!


But no one is interested in looking at your pubes. Especially yours.

What will be the pay?

I wish to apply

Im into fat chicks. Does that count toward anything?

I am muslim take me in

I'm an unironic internet Muslim. I say Islamic phrases over and over online but I have nothing to actually do with Islam.

Hello yes I'm Asian

Y’all got room for a redneck?

If not I can fit in the gay category

Post your tiller or something

My what?

Post proof of redneck in your garage, shed, or barn, because as a redneck, I'm srsly doubting rn

this is my ancestor

Does this help my case

I got a junk pile on the side of the house if that counts

There’s an old locker and a stoplight

My ancestors lived just above the dividing line and burned down a cannon ball factory for shipping south, I don't know about this.

Post junk pile and you're in

Oh baby that's nice scrap

  1. You have a slot for furry but not for horsefucker
  2. Latin-X should be split into two: Latina and Latino for more diversity