Amerimutt🇺🇸 engineer🧑🏿‍🔬 baits🎣 Lietuvacels🇱🇹, posts✏️ fantasy💭 about cucking🤘 them

1  2020-11-09 by himachalite


u/TheBigOof96 How do you feel about this?

Thats the reason we have the highest suicide rates. All these damn western engineers just taking every single female away from Lithuanians. How are we supposed to live? That's why we lost 1/3 of the population in the last 20 years...

God i wish op wasn't banned so I could see if this was bait or not

I don't know. I'd be competing with a bunch of vampire looking pale white boys living on lower salary and has a reputation for alcoholism and domestic abuse. Probably not much luck is needed there.

You sound like the cracker who shot up the mosques today

oldie but a goldie