Mayo🥛 tourist🤳 tapped🖐️ on the arm💪 with a paper🧻, still hasn't gotten over the trauma😭 2 years later🕒

17  2020-11-17 by himachalite


It was hard. Imagine whacking someone with a very tightly rolled up poster (essentially a stick) as hard as you possibly could.

am not sure I deserved to basically be assaulted over it.

You’re suffering from poster traumatic stress disorder, I can tell.

Poor you. You got assaulted by a rolled up newpaper's equivalent of a movie poster. A deadly weapon i suppose, please return home before you get accosted by an aggressive handshake or some other microaggression.

I'm sure it's because I'm female and therefore always deserve whatever evil treatment people give me.

OP, quite predictably, posts on FDS.

Average FDS poster

whats fds

LOL that was my comment- I didn't expect this to cross subs. She's an absolute Karen

Sorry you've never left your mommy's basement 🤡

What do you think of the term "Karen"? Is it chauvinist and misogynistic? Racist even?

Definitely misogynistic

Lol ive been to thailand numerous times. At least ive had the empathy to understand their customs instead of disrespecting their sacred places of worship and then bitching about it on reddit. Lol toxic ass Karen

Does anyone else constantly feel like men are liable to snap and kill them at any moment?

Lmfao, no wonder she's deathly afraid of moids when she considers being hit with a poster assault and still whines about it 2 years later. She's crazy

I didn't grow up with my father or have any other male family members at all, so I'm generally uncomfortable around men, but this is on another level.

Really makes u think...

Wow! How'd you get "tapped" from "whacked as hard as possible," and "paper" from "poster"? Gosh, I must be misremembering everything!! 🙄🙄🤏 lol

Lolcow🐄 alert🚨!!

(Everyone make sure to upvote⬆️ her.)

Could you enlighten💡 us about some of your other adventures🤠 fighting🤺 the patriarchy🦹‍♂️ in Thailand🇹🇭?

It was a woman. If you're going to stalk me all over reddit or whatever, you should at least read the OP.

A woman 💅 suffering from internalized patriarchy 🤴🏻🙇🏻‍♀️

Umm,'s actually "womxn". Do better. 🖤

Are you saying🗣️ womxn👩 can't contribute💁 to toxic☠️ masculinity♂️ and the patriarchy🦹‍♂️?

How do you know it was a woman ? They might just have internalized gender dysphoria

Have you ever thought about anything other than sex in your life?

Confusing sex with gender, yikes

These comments are such weak sauce. I really thought you'd have something better 🤷🏻‍♀️

Only the strongest sauce for a strong💪 brave🦸‍♀️ and stunning🤩 womxn such as yourself!

do you have scars from it

Jesus how much of a whiny baby looking for ways to be a victim can you be? "Basically assaulted" Jesus Christ

No wonder you're an incel and post to fds, maybe try working on that whiny personality sweaty 💅💅

Maybe work on your English, "sweaty" 🤡

Sweaty, do you still have nightmares about that tragic event 2 years ago? It must be really heartbreaking to live through such trauma while having your experience invalidated by misogynists. Especially when you live in constant rational fear of a moid "snapping and killing" you, life as a white woman in the U.S. has never been harder. You have my full support queen 😭😭👑💄


The only fragile people around here are the men making fun of me because they're jealous I'm a woman and they know they could never get with me in a million years. It's tragic that they've never left their parents' basements or been on a date.

Every wom*n on reddit is either morbidly obese or has an onlyfans, so no thanks¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nope. I had an 80% match rate on online dating before I quit. I have five attractive exes, all of whom I dumped. Don't even know what OF is. I've heard of it though.

Have sex, incel😒

That doesn't make sense

"Engage in copulative acts, O nonconsensual celibate."

Does it make sense now?

I could have sex in the next hour if I wanted to, lol.

Yes we know, that's why you post on FDS. 🥰

FDS is for women who are fed up with men and their crap. I'm far better off alone and so are most women. That's why you hate me, and us. I get it because the era of me having to marry one of you and be your slave forever is completely over. You can't stand that I have my own income, my own investments in my name only, my own degrees, my own social circle, that I travel all over the world by myself on my own dime, could get laid anytime I wanted (though it's almost never worth it, so I don't), and cook my own delicious food that I'm not giving to any man. I understand, it's infuriating, but we're not going back in time so we can serve men and put up with all their selfishness and abuse just because society says so.

words words words

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

What do you think of the famous quote, "We live in a society"?

Thanks for the flair! I love cows, and glad you find me so funny 😘

No problem, we hope you'll be a regular at our feminist-friendly subreddit!

Since you love cows and feminism so much—tell us, what do you think of the cisheteropatriarchal system of oppression that is the dairy industry?

Deez nutz



I am so, so sorry 😢 in advance 💯for what 😲 is about 👉👉to happen😱. Trolls 👿 are going to come 💦 into this thread 😞 and they will be saying 🗣 some very hurtful 🙅 things about you 👀. They will call 🙏 you some very hurtful 😰 names 💯. But none 💆🏽 of those things 👏 are true. How 💯 could they 👿 possibly know 🤔? How 🤷🏾‍♀️ could they possibly know 🙌🏾 how beautiful ✊️ you really are 💯? How sweet 😋 and compassionate 💯 you really are 👏? I am so sorry 😢 about them 👉 , please 🙏 do not let them hurt 😩 you.

mfw thinking 💭 about your cow 💋 hurting 😭😭😭

I just wanna see 👀 you shine 💎 and flourish 💯. You're 👩🏽 so precious 💍 to me. I want to write 📝 poetry and sing songs 🎵 about my love 😍 and adoration 🙏 for you 💋. My name is Brian 👱, by the way 👋🏽. I know 😔 you're tired 😴 of all the assholes 😬 and jerks 💩. I know 💯. I 🍆 am different 😏. I am the nicest 😊 guy you'll ever 💯 meet, and if anything 🍆 I'll be the one 💯 in the kitchen ✊️.
I live 👏 in London 💁🏼‍♂️. Please 😳 be in London 🙏.

Still waiting... 🍿

Your love of emojis is adorable btw 💕

Are you in London🇬🇧? 😳

How attractive were they? Can you invite them on here?

had an 80% match rate on online dating before I quit

Catfishers and traffickers don’t count. I can see why you quit.

I have five attractive exes,

Your dogs don’t count either. Cope more incel

I'm sure you never learned much of anything in school, so I'll go ahead and explain that this is called "projection." Are you really so unimaginative that you can't think outside your own viewpoint (that you can't get laid) and understand that women can have sex with men, even hot men, literally whenever they want? I understand you're jealous, it sucks, but that's just how it is, incel. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤏

I understand where you come from. I’m attractive enough that random girls ask for my number in public, though, the average fds poster can’t say the same

Haha, no they don't 😂

How many mxn👨 have asked for your number in public? Do you ever give it to them?

What school did you go to? I would love to know where you developed such an exquisite knowledge of psychology. Perhaps you could enlighten us some more on how projection contributes to the patriarchy?

this womxn watches k-dramas.

any non k*rean female watching k*rean television is guaranteed to weight atleast 21 stone.



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u/LimbRetrieval-Bot ily

What are some tips to date amazing, rare women like yourself?

Mayofoid moment

You're lucky that's all they did to you for insulting their Lord and Savior Jesus H. Buddha.

What if you thought of it this way: "Gosh, it must've been bad if she still remembers it two years later"?


Frequently Posts On FDS

foids never had a chance.

Am I exaggerating an event that happened two years ago because I'm a histrionic femcel?

No, it's everyone else who can't see my trauma who's wrong

thot status: patrolled


What’s the point of going to Thailand if you are going to fuck a ladyboy

Maybe she is the ladyboy 😳😳😳

Age of consent. I can see why a fds poster would like to go there

What’s the point of going to Thailand if you are going to fuck a ladyboy

What's the point if you AREN'T <3

Oh shit I didn’t even notice, that’s what I meant to post

How do you find this shit?

A dtamachad never reveals his ways 🤗🙀🥰