Mayo🥛 sexpats seethe😤 at ricecels🍚 for creating r/whitetourists as revenge🤬 for r/chinesetourists.Fragile white 🥛 redditors🤮 can't handle strong 💪 POCs fighting back💅

9  2020-11-19 by _RadicalCentrist_


Lol Asian Americans rule, they've been trying so hard to be relevant as a minority group but nobody cares about them

We're so irrelevant that we have to resort to moderating tiny subreddits in order to feel any sense of power.

Ricecel detected. Yikes. Have sex incel.... 😬🙄

😠😡😡😡😤😤😡 im' not hcinese im INDAIN🇮🇳 💪💪💪 🇮🇳😤🇮🇳🇮🇳




Yawn old seething is boring seething.

anyway what's the point of that chinese tourist sub? Its not particularly funny, or even that mean spirited, which means it's a waste of time. if you're going to make fun of a specific group of people, you either go all the way or you go home none of that lame half ass reddit nonesense.

Also in all seriousness i low-key feel bad for the ricecels, they come off so insecure and completely lack the self-awareness to see it, i just want to give them a pep talk and say get out there and show them your more than your ethnicity!

(granted I'm a simp for east asian cultures and their men 🥵🥵🥵🥵)

white devil fears the samurai

Gatling gun goes brrrrrrrrrrrr

Whiteu piggu go home