I love how burgers have this delusional world view where they think it's the 1950's and Black Folx still get lynched by redneck mayos in every small town
However, when someone builds their identity around being black, that is what other people see. You are more than a black person. You are who you are. Honestly, people may dislike you more for being a New Yorker. Who knows. Point is, down here, you are more than the color of your skin. You are a car enthusiast, a gamer, a baseball player, a weirdo, that guy who has an awesome lawn.... there are so many things that you can be and only you can define that.
Holy shit! did a redditcel Mayo actually make a good point? The end times are upon us! 😱😱😱😱😱
7 averageenjoyer32 2020-11-19
I love how burgers have this delusional world view where they think it's the 1950's and Black Folx still get lynched by redneck mayos in every small town
5 jandoit4free 2020-11-19
Well that was a mostly R-slurd read.
Holy shit! did a redditcel Mayo actually make a good point? The end times are upon us! 😱😱😱😱😱
5 averageenjoyer32 2020-11-19
Umm sweaty, teaching Black Folx about the inevitable lynching they will face at one point in their life is important and empowering 👏👏