Innocent ⛓ non-seething 😶👏🏿POC 👏🏿🧑🏾‍🦱gets downvoted ⬇️ and “educated” 📚 📖 on 🚨racism🚨by mayo🥛colonizers 🚝 🙄. When will this oppression stop 🛑✋ ?

1  2020-11-24 by Chonker_111


You know you're racist, right?

Uhm, you can't be racist against mayos, sweety. 😊

The definition of racism says something else. Anyways this whole thread is dumb

How do y'all even find these drama?Browsing through hordes of r*dditors giving their dumbass opinions and making shit jokes with the hope that something slightly entertaining happens seems kinda boring,tbqfhwy

Mostly while browsing r/ all but i can give you a list of subs filled with rslurs if you want

I know a lot of uberwoke chapoid subs for that but they are so rslurred that it's somewhat entertaining to browse through them.r all is just plain,boring and repetitive


I agree but sometimes you will find some rslurs worth of posting

I've tried doing it but it's shit. There's no point browsing leddit besides drama subs (which jannies are genociding 😭😭😭) and some smaller niche subs that aren't entirely filled with average redditors

I think someone on this sub said it before, but le wholesome epic anti-idpol "noooo not the hecking anti-white racism" ledditors are honestly even worse than the wokies. They are at the most primitive, puerile level of political thought. Imagine having literally nothing to add to a conversation except "we should ignore race".


Excellent redditor sperg post

Is this account a joke?