Gmers 🤢 act like they’ll never be able to buy their precious dopamine stimulators. Chill bruh 😎 be grateful you actually might be able to interact with your family this Christmas 🎄 although I fully understand why these man-children want to avoid spending time ⏰ with their whte families.
8 averageenjoyer21 2020-12-06
Is this a new loveforlandlords?? 😍😍
6 averageenjoyer21 2020-12-06
Lmao I love the larp as a woman listing her onlyfans, generates even more seethe
2 _RadicalCentrist_ 2020-12-06
I thought that loveforscalpers was too obvious to be a proper bait sub but no.Redditors are so rslurred that they fall even for this
3 silentdeadly5 2020-12-06
There’s no end to what idiots will believe especially when it involves le precious vidya
2 I_Shah 2020-12-06
They targeted gamers...gamers
6 silentdeadly5 2020-12-06
my drama stocks just shot up 500%. this is why g*mers need to be banned
4 averageenjoyer21 2020-12-06
Lmao the hysterics
4 reptilia987 2020-12-06
Loveforscalpers has been a beautiful ray of sunshine since nearly every drama sub has been banned or neutered
3 renvoise 2020-12-06
Oh boy i'm getting the pop-corn 🍿
3 D_Legare 2020-12-06
This is beautiful, thank you for this.
3 WastingTime_2 2020-12-06
Holy shit over 500 comments. You dont even need to sort by controversial 🤣
2 Habit_Western 2020-12-06
Quality post.
1 Arigatatat 2020-12-06
Gmers 🤢 act like they’ll never be able to buy their precious dopamine stimulators. Chill bruh 😎 be grateful you actually might be able to interact with your family this Christmas 🎄 although I fully understand why these man-children want to avoid spending time ⏰ with their whte families.