Manchildren 👶🏻🍼 gam*rs 🤮 mad x24

1  2020-12-06 by THE_LANDLORD_MESSIAH



Is this a new loveforlandlords?? 😍😍


Lmao I love the larp as a woman listing her onlyfans, generates even more seethe

I thought that loveforscalpers was too obvious to be a proper bait sub but no.Redditors are so rslurred that they fall even for this

There’s no end to what idiots will believe especially when it involves le precious vidya

They targeted gamers...gamers

my drama stocks just shot up 500%. this is why g*mers need to be banned

Loveforscalpers has been a beautiful ray of sunshine since nearly every drama sub has been banned or neutered


Oh boy i'm getting the pop-corn 🍿

This is beautiful, thank you for this.

Holy shit over 500 comments. You dont even need to sort by controversial 🤣

Quality post.

Gmers 🤢 act like they’ll never be able to buy their precious dopamine stimulators. Chill bruh 😎 be grateful you actually might be able to interact with your family this Christmas 🎄 although I fully understand why these man-children want to avoid spending time ⏰ with their whte families.