Valid🥰 cuties😍 of Arr🏴‍☠️ Slash🏴‍☠️ Mxn's♂️ Lib✊🏿 educate🎓 bigots🤬, moids🤮 cope😭 and seethe♨️

15  2020-12-18 by himachalite


Toxic masculinity is kind of a death cult because you have to prove over and over how manly you are by not being afraid of dying by doing dangerous things like not wearing masks.

Not wearing a mask is so heckin risky and absolutely terrifying😨😢😱

Toxic masculinity is kind of a death cult

It's also INCREDIBLY fragile. The smallest expressions of stereotypical femininity (like painting your nails) will compromise this version of masculinity.

I don’t know if your masculinity is something you need to defend.

Something something t-slurs projecting

The smallest expressions of stereotypical femininity (like painting your nails) will compromise this version of masculinity. Since the slightest threat can unseat these insecure men, they avoid threats to it at all costs, which can manifest as homophobia, transphobia, bland-as-fuck wardrobes, over-reaction to interpersonal threats (like fighting someone at the bar because you think they insulted you), etc.

Okay which one of you is this?

Looks like there was a lot of good drama in the removed comments, but not all of them could be archived:

It extends to truly insane levels, such as those men being afraid to wash their own dicks or asses because "that's gay". It's an extremely fragile way of going through the world.

LMFAO, did you guys write most of those comments? 😂😂