This is your brain: ๐Ÿง . This is your brain on drugs:

1  2020-12-28 by reptilia987


Thanks. Iโ€™m a pretty happy and productive person. It was a normal day and I said Iโ€™m going to shoot nicotine


Things that are publicly available and widely documented:

  • specific dangerous quantities (LD50) of nicotine

  • anatomical reasons not to inject foreign matter into the bloodstream

unfortunately functioning brains aren't widely available so this r-slur is hopeless

A random impulse of self-destruction is not a matter of intellectual inability, but the kingdom of Satan. And that does have a specific and expedient resolution available.

This cat doesnโ€™t swallow his red pills, he mainlines them.

Junkies aren't people

It would be a shame if he accidentally OD's (purely hypothetically) (in Minecraft)