r-slurs 🀒 fall for the 165244116th time to a bait 🎣 sub called r/loveforanimesexuals ❀️ and make a 138 comments thread 😑 😀

1  2020-12-28 by Chonker_111


I believe its arrr slash cringetopia as usual



How tf do they fall for every Lovefor sub. They are one of the few subs that deserves to get banned for brigading due to their r-slurness

u/POL_rights nice job mate

It’s not satire

yeah yeah πŸ˜‚, nice job anyway

Love for subs will continue to bait redditors for decades to come

Look, I'm not gonna judge this but seriously? Anime isn't a gender. I can understand liking anime but it isn't a gender..

When you try to be woke but don't understand the alphabets are about sexuality and not gender

This and this are the best threads I've seen on a loveforx sub lmao

If you weren't animephobic maybe your Grandma wouldn't have died 🀷


u/midertcup This is amazing.

Thank you! I got a 3 day ban but it was worth it. I have no tolerance of animephobia πŸ™…

maybe if you weren't a degenerate animesexual your account wouldn't be banned, but here we are

You are just another example of an animephobic r/teenagers user. I worry what they are teaching you all to be so bigoted!


hey, hey, hey, rule 7

don't mention r/*********

Man that's just too far


Cope & dilate


he doesn't know how to blankpost

y i k e s


Loveforx subs are a gift that keeps on giving

There has never been a greater gift to the dramacel community

I’m the original creator of LoveFor subs and I don’t think I’ll ever do anything as great as that.

07 comrade

Is the original post still up where you noted that landlords made leftoids seethe and proposed the idea? I've searched for it but never found it again.

There you go king πŸ˜‰ good times 😌

Thank you! Starting an Internet-wide movement like this is actual king shit.

Why did it get deleted? :(

Haha thanks man πŸ˜‚

Might have something to do with me deleting my other account. I had some golden threads that I wish I could find now, but it is what it is πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

The fun thing is I barely ever posted before making the first LoveFor thread lol, I hit the lotto when I started using this hellhole of a website.

It truely is cutting edge wrangling.

LoveForMAPs when?

No way

Hell no




I'm going to make a loveforMAPs subreddit.

You're going to get v&

Alright I regret that. How do I delete the sub?

Lmao your IP is already in the hands of the chadmins. GL kid

Lmao you think deleting your account will help? Good luck getting your ass blown out in prison πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ u/reddit_jannie

Imma devout my free time into that sub

Is this is the drama Mecca all dramatards must travel to complete Hajj?

re*tors are immensly fucking dense