🐘 Rightoid 🚨 infighting πŸ‘Š occurs when one 1️⃣ user 🌐 of Ruqqus πŸŸͺ decides πŸ€” that he’s had enough 😧 of the site’s 🌐 chadmins 😎



the first three memes are respectively complaining about black, Jewish, and trans people

not political

Admins forcefully categorizing a guild is literally 1984 but okay sweaty!!πŸ™„

Got banned from memery for the offensiv word "cope" on some Trump can still win bs.

Rightoids getting called β€œpolitical” behave the exact same way that πŸš‚ do when you pour salt on them

Milkit is my favorite lolcow. You call him a lolcow to his face and he just continues to sperg out. His choice of name shows some major prescience.

He’s letting you milk him ironically


Umm...yikes incel. It looks like you used a naughty word. Arr slash dtama is an inclusive, wholesome, pro-BLM subreddit and we do not tolerate bigotry.

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