Random TikTok girl alledges Kanye is divorcing Kim because he wants to upgrade to MtF (aka woman+) Jeffree Star. If true Yeezus is truly leading us to a better future 😍😍

1  2021-01-06 by busslordlowkeybussin


Jeffree Star is a cis man, not a transwoman. He just has long hair and wears makup.

When it comes to gender, Star refers to himself androgynous. On Twitter, “androgyny” is listed under his bio (see below). A person who identifies as androgynous appears both male and female. 

Star was born a male and that he identifies as a gay male.

Star is currently in a relationship with Nathan Schwandt.


Another article said he has been with women and trans too.

Jesus not only am I really confused but I now know more about this person than I ever wanted to

He's just a gay cis dude who owns a makeup company and gets involved in a lot of drama online. Really straightforward. The problems arise for Jeffree Star around how he treats people and how he lies constantly, not his identity or sexuality. Consider yourself lucky and try not to learn anymore lol.

I feel like the Chinese designed TikTok's features specifically to appeal to western zoomer narcissism. This "face in front of content" format makes me shoot myself.

Also, I was really hoping the MtF Kanye would go for would be Jenner.

Their algorithm is literally designed to feed attractive people into the fyp and pepper in some poc+lgbt

The immediate second you leave fyp you get into some weird shit the algo couldn’t sort like cartel tiktok

weird shit the algo couldn’t sort like cartel tiktok

Lmao do they post beheadings or what

Lmao how good was it when Jenner got woman of the year even though she hadn't been woman for a year and got into a car accident killing someone. Those were good times 😍

I dare you guys to drink 5 shots of tequila, go look up pictures of Jefree Starr, and try to not vomit.

Jeffree star isn’t a woman. He’s into transvestism. That’s not transitioning

The latter is just the former + autism

Jeffree star isn’t a woman. He’s into transvestism. That’s not transitioning

Something something it's all the same thing

This is why trans people catch a lot of shit. They’re getting thrown under the bus by dudes who use acceptance to trick you into playing into their fetish.

They’re getting thrown under the bus by dudes who use acceptance to trick you into playing into their fetish.

Oh my sweet summerpie...

Jeffrey star is not trans. When people like this associate or use trans rights to get out of taking responsibility for making bad decisions, they hurt trans people.

When people like this associate or use trans rights to get out of taking responsibility for making bad decisions, they hurt trans people.

Really makes u think...

If you’d like to tell me a differing opinion or I’ve gotten it wrong please let me know. It’s not set in stone I’m learning as we go along

wut is this sub

Similar to r drama

An anti fascist, anti bigotry, pro blm sub