In an absolute travesty, one landchad is facing his own eviction due to his (probably) at fault tenants. This injustice should anger all decent people.

1  2021-01-06 by busslordlowkeybussin


β€œIf Citibank is not giving me a break with my mortgage, why should anyone else live rent-free?”


Because relief for both landchads and rentoids went to the Ayn Rand foundation

This 88 years old PoC retire is who the chapos call 'leech' and 'parasite'. Landphobes are racist, abliest, ageist and anti-work.

PoC and Person of Land (PoL). He is a super minority but I guess that counts for little to the haters smh πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

I wish their was a savvy landchad who could help him fight this obvious case of landphobia.

I think the next step in generating maximum seethe for /r/LoveForLandlords is starting a charity for PoC landlords who are suffering from a case of severe chapo-itis. I think redditors would have a collective aneurysm if we could assist fellow landlords with the legal costs necessary to evict deadbeats.

I think we did for E-Victor King’s (pbuh) family after he died

Blatant racism, ageism, and landphobia out of NYC, why am I not surprised?!?! 😀😀😀😀
