In an unsurprising 😐 turn β†ͺ️ of events πŸ“°, r/GretaThunbergGW πŸ‘©πŸŒΏπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ 🚫 banned πŸ¦€.



Thank goodness. That place was cancer. Imagine an entire sub dedicated to fetishizing s girl who just turned legal age. Now imagine how long they’ve been saving their nut for her. 🀒

Imagine an entire sub dedicated to fetishizing s girl who just turned legal age.

At least we know she's legal, can't say the same for the remaining 99% of coomereddit.

Can you give me a brief rundown of coomereddit and the history of that sub? Are there any survivors from there? I feel I have been a hermit and out of touch with these things

Wasn’t there a Billie eilish one too?

It was fun while it lasted