The male feminists of r pcmasterrace express the terror they feel when their gfs/wives ask how much money their computers cost πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

1  2021-01-13 by busslordlowkeybussin


On Leddit it's cool to be super scared and intimidated by your wife, because to these manchildren their wives are their mothers.

Maybe FDS is right after all....

me when someone asks me how much my pc build costs in front of my wife:😳😳

I wonder how many skimped on a πŸ’Ž πŸ™„ to buy a graphics card that will devalue even faster

You're unironically cucked if you buy a real diamond ring. Wasting all that money on a pointless object?

At least buy something cool, like a pet lizard. Now that's symbolism. You buy pet with a 100 year lifespan, so it represents your marriage and outlives you.

pointless object

Incel seethe.

It's all symbolism, why not make the symbol actually unique?

I could drop 2k on a ring, or 2k on an entire butchered cow that gives the family meant for the next few years.

That kind of money is only a concern for poorcels like you. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

Diamond rings retain their value remarkably well over time and can be a good way of preserving wealth in your family over several generations. They're also quite aesthetic, add beauty to your woman, and make her feel valued, loved, and happy.


Image how dry a woman would get if you presented her with 2000$ worth of cow meat

Artificial diamonds are making diamonds worthless. But gold then

Ehh, in my estimate it'll be a couple decades at the very least before they start becoming worthless. But yes, even then there's always gold. If you don't buy your woman an expensive ring you're either a poorcel or secretly gay.

What’s your salary again, jannie?

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he fell for the De Beers scam

Lmao consoomer cope

he fell for chapoid propaganda

Lmao bank accountlet cope

At least a gayming 🀒 card is useful for stuff besides gayming. πŸ’Ž is just a fancy meme rock.

fancy meme rock

Incel cope.

t. De 🍺s


Average consoomer

Average poorcel

I must consoom


I'm too poor to buy my woman a beautiful ring


being this defensive when someone tells you you got grifted

Absolutely seething

being this defensive about your poverty

Absolutely starving

no u

Butt status: absolutely ravaged

Bank status: absolutely empty

lol I had this happen not long ago. Friend stops by and is like "Oh, holy shit! You got one of the 3080's! Nice build, how much you spend on this?! with my girlfriend standing there. I'm giving him eye lasers, and am like " $1200 I think?"

How does someone end up so inconceivably castrated?

I recently spent $600 upgrading from my shitty decade old laptop to a refurbished, 4 year old desktop and I felt shitty. I can't imagine dropping thousands on computer parts.

The people buying this shit are the same people complaining about income inequality on /r/politics.

Nnooo you don't understand I need to spend thousands of dollars so that I can properly enjoy my vidya 😭😭