r/gangstalking 🧐 is filled with schizocows 🐄

1  2021-01-16 by Chonker_111


>My gangstalkers were grim reapers biker gang and a very large swinger community who is comprised of many biker gangs and people from all walks of life.


a very large swinger community who is comprised of many biker gangs and people from all walks of life

tfw schizos are better at creating weird postmodern characters than Pynchon

"Do as much meth as possible, don't ever sleep"

"Your the first person in a year and a half that's actually made sense"

You're unironically going to kill this person lmfao

take the reality pill or shelf the meth pill, the choice is yours



I'm speaking from an undisclosed location; my VPN bounces my ip address 6 times around the globe before anyone could track it, but it's still not enough for the entities that somehow track my every move. just want to say as someone whơs in the trenches of this invisible war that METH HELPS. METH REMOVES YOU FROM THE NEURAL LINK, DO AS MUCH METH AS YOU CAN FIND

Sleep is a natural reset of emotions and ideas within the simulation, it's like a hard reset that they use to control and herd the populace, meth overcomes this weakness which is why it's illegal.

Do as much meth as possible, dont ever sleep, and you might have a glimpse of outside this fake reality

Or just be a sheep brother it's up to you

Copypasta'd for everyone's convenience. (Pls only use benevolently, of course.)


Of coursh.

Y'all can always behave. 🀗 Don't forget to post pics of the results.

Has anybody who isn't a complete 🥜 ever claimed to be gangstalked? Like it's the unmedicated schizophrenic calling card

I don't think even Uncle Ted claimed it, and he actually was gangstalked by the CIA.

Most of y'all prolly smoke dope and think it's worse than it really is. You can deny my statement all you want but remember you can't lie to yourself. And if you can lie to yourself you have a gift. Use that gift wisely.

Which one of you r-slurred a-slurs saw this gift from the dtama gods and decided to slaughter our 🐮s?

the schizo is spamming us with his gibberish emails again