W-slur on twoX throws a tantrum about tampons

1  2021-01-17 by Speedvolt2


XX is the single most pathetic group of people that basically existed anywhere.

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy is when you take TwoX up to a 10.

r/WitchesVsPatriarchy to 11

Straight up. If witches are so powerful why don't they rule the world? 🤔

he doesnt know

I feel bad for them because many of them seem like candidates to 40% themselves

I do miss HormelCoffee's rhetorical terror attacks that they/them used to post there.

HormelCoffee was the casualty that keeps me up at night.

HormelCoffee, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...


I think I know who you're talking about, he was Indian wasn't he?

Do you mean all people with those chromosomes or just that sub

He threw your whole box of tampons away, now you get to throw the whole man away!

And they wonder why they are perpetually alone in their thirties.

Redditors are not people.

It's over for moids who never trusted a thing that bleeds for days without dying.

Leaving hygienic products at a fuck buddies house is p invasive lmao. You have to dtr before you do that.

Why is he even having her over in the first place during tampon time?

Why would he let someone who doesn’t even live in his house put random shit in his cabinet?

And I'd like to note that he does have a very very small box of lightweight tampons in the back of the cabinet, which I've never used because they're basically useless for me. But getting a box of tampons that a real woman would use was too much for him. And too much for him to talk about.

Real wxmyn use LORGE tampons🥵🥵🥵🤏👎

What size pussy she wear

Whatever size her pibble is I guess



Lol he didn't even through them out, he just put them in the closet. I guarantee this guy was just saying whatever he thought would get this utter harpy to stop shrieking at him.

Hahahaha he even left some in a box in the cabinet for her, she just didn't see them. This is why women never lose arguments, yesterday she was yelling at him because she couldn't find her tampons, and now that she realizes that they were there the whole time she changed the entire argument to be about how he wasn't being truthful when he said he threw them out or her past shame or whatever. All I know is that by the end of it, 0% of it will be her fault.

Eviction time