Unhinged poster on PUA sub.

1  2021-01-20 by EskimoJuche


but that doesnt make since, arent therapists and psychologists bluepilled? they will just say "be nice to the women" and then, women will not love me, because im not super alpha money getting slut fucking alpha chad.

what we need to focus on, is making myself into alpha chad, ive been studying machinery, because that is my path to alpha chadness.

His comment in another of his posts. This guy is either a committed, based larper or deeply disturbed. He legit might end up being a serial killer who targets women.

Ted Bundy was kinda based for getting crazy white women to still love him after 30+ exclusively female victims

Slap fight in the comments. His whole post history is nuts lmao. I wonder what happens when he snaps?

Make vlogs in his car his dad bought for him, while talking about all of his positive qualities?

This might unironically be a good case to forward on to the CIA.

Good find

I can't make any judgments until he posts a selfie.

He could honestly be hideous, which would garner some sympathy from me.

Alternatively, he could look like Elliot Rodger, who still confuses me to this day.