🟧👨 is absolutely 😳 seething 🤬 over 🔝 Daddy 👨 Dementia 🤔 becoming 🔛 President 🇺🇸. Dtamachads ✊🏿 I’d recommend 👍 you check ✅ it out 😄.


26 comments LARPers were promising to fight to death to save DDR's presidency, what happened? 🤭

They overdosed on hopium and copium simultaneously and are no longer with us. RIP.

Lock n load boys its time to cope n hope logs in on echochamber site

Their little coup got stopped

If Einsteins third law is correct then the next 4 years are gonna be just as copius and seetheful as the last 4 but I think the oids will be more dtamaful and carry out actual attacks.

Leftists never did shit because they have the combined testosterone levels of a neutered housecat.

Rightoids will never do anything because they have jobs.

My bet is on a very boring 4 years.

If they have* jobs then how did they show up to so many rallies and/or coups during work hours

According to social media posts, a bunch of them took time off for the days they were protesting.

Meanwhile, the leftists just kind of showed up and stuck around. For like 6 months straight. It's not clear to me where they get the money to protest so many days in a row.

a bunch of them took time off for the days they were protesting.

burning your 14-21 mandated vacation days on Qoping is worse than being funemployed.

leftoids have been unemployed since Occupy, that’s bog standard

"women should not be allowed to vote"


white women should not be allowed to vote

Corrected it

White people (including women) should not be allowed to vote

white women should not be allowed to vote

fixed it.

There's nothing wrong with white men.

But unfortunately white women exist. So the whole race has to go


Here's how Trump can still win.

So do the q-slurs think this is part of the plan too?

Of course they do lmao

I was kinda hoping the rightoids didn’t do the ‘openly weeping in the streets’ thing the leftoids did, and I guess they technically didn’t, what they’ve done so far is 1000 times funnier. I would say the bar has been raised, but is there even a bar anymore or are r-slurs like these guys and the yellow jacketed ‘NoOoOOOoOoo’ perxon mainstream?

The real drama is on the great awakening, some qoomers are beginning to realize that there was no plan and drumpf is just r slurred, but still believing in their outlandish r slurred delusions about them demonrats, others are wiggawoogaing it and claiming that blormfotart can still win.

Aw, boo hoo

How the turn tables

I wonder how that rightoid place "consumeproduct dott wahn" is doing

Actual post from

I unsubscribe from email and gave my reason. Biden is an illegitimate president

😂 Also include actions like unsubscribing from Whitehouse YouTube

“u/obamagavemeaphone” What a funny name