"Mayocide when?" ask the users of r iamatotalpieceofshit when one white woman's racist post is uploaded for these Redditors to circlejerk over.

2  2021-01-20 by busslordlowkeybussin


Why are greenland people black in the picture ?

Because they're not mayos.

Fair enough


All I'll say as a redheaded English man, I wish, upon all the gods, that someone in my ancestry had got some melanin in the gene pool to allow me more than 15 minutes in the, really rather important, sun without worrying about dying of skin cancer. Fuck this bitch.

The angloid is finally accepting his inferiority😊

this is why medchads are clearly superior. All the powers of white privilege without the disadvantage of melting under the sun.

I’m at the point where if I see someone use karen, I assume they’re a redditor and immediately distance myself from them

How did she find the underwater 🏀 city of Atlantais?


There are more white people now than at any point in history

The Mayoslide has been a miserable failure

When will redditors realise they just hate women?

Italoids and Hellenecels in shambles.

these aren't white, they're Italians!


Kill all whites!
