r/publicfreakout angry 😡 when it turns out that one of daddy's ladies did a hecking child abuse to her crotchfruit

1  2021-01-21 by Kilo_G_looked_up


The Conway daughter is a) a chapoid and b) a mayo foid

This is 💯% justified

Any daughter who posts about her mother publicly like this deserves much worse than what she got.

Edit: It's also the mother's fault for being stupid enough to allow herself to be recorded like this. I know I've said it several times, but truly 99% of the parenting problems I ever read about online could just be avoided by not giving your kids a smartphone or unsupervised Internet access.

99% of the parenting problems I ever read about online could just be avoided by not giving your kids a smartphone or unsupervised Internet access.

Industrial revolution and its consequences

By Allah I would honor kill her.

Why is Kellyanne so mad? If I duped 74 million r-slurs and was given several escape rafts I would be glowing 😇

Lmao at all those mayo redditors calling it abuse. Brown kids get worse verbal and physical beatings for getting a B+ and we embrace it

There's a reason we're the highest-earning demographic in the US.