A picture of Dennis Quaid as Ronald Reagan in an upcoming biopic is posted to r movies. The comments are exactly what you'd imagine they'd be.

1  2021-01-21 by busslordlowkeybussin


Reagan and Thatcher make Redditors seethe to such a degree that I have no choice but to love them.

The sole mention of these names followed by “good” is enough to power my melanin for decades.

Then they had a child. Who is that child?

Donald Trump.

Cancellation aside, who was this movie targeting anyways?

Oids think Hollywood is a ped* cult

I guess the never trumpers that dream of the GOP’a glory years

Broad political biopics never really work. The dick Chaney movie is most recent example of absolute shit on a scream.

Maybe after Trump Hollywood thinks they can rehab Reagan into an old grandfather like figure. If W had been made after Trump he would probably be walking around handing out candy to Iraqi children in the movie.

The Trump movie is gonna be good though. Maybe not story wise but definitely dtama wise.


more Hollywood myth making

you should read Oliver stone’s book

That documentary, I don’t think these r-slurs actually read, has been a pillar of redditors arguments for a long time. No matter how much historians have panned that documentary they will still pimp its arguments.

It’s a decent watch for people they only got their history form high school but it plays fast and loose with the truth. This is a nice flash back to pre-trump Reddit arguments.

"The echo chamber that is reddit," said LeroyFooness as he took out his ivory-handled feather duster from his fur coat and dusted the tips of his lime green snakeskin boots.