Meanwhile 🤔 on 🔍 😳...



This is the greatest period of US history. It gets better knowing this rslur isn't one isolated person. There are so many of them now. They even have representatives in congress. The only way this gets even better is if we can get some Antifa representatives into congress too.

I think we need to pay attention to the house races in Oregon and Washington in 2022 then, the dtamacoin might be rich there.


I just fell asleep reading that. Isnt much of a great awakening apparently.

That's why this one's so good, really: this guy's watching the news, making reasonable observations... and then jumping to completely ridiculous conclusions.

The fact that the qverse is believed by people who eat only their hair and fingernails, as well as people who just watch the mainstream news, is pretty fucking weird.

Burgers are truly interesting creatures

I think it's a shame that leddit is so anti-schizoposting.