Anti-vax rightoids spread the truth about politicians faking their vaccinations 🙌🏻💉

1  2021-01-22 by reptilia987


Imagine telling others to “use your brain” and then saying something as r-slurred as this:

I will never get injected with gene modifying mRNA.

Gotta love how anti-vaxers have no idea how vaccines actually work


Wow someone tried to create another drama sub and you actually tag usernames in it and I’m the star of the show? Unironically best day ever.

Imagine making a whole post trying to take the piss out of someone but you’ve just been brainwashed by fear porn into getting injected with something complete pointless and possibly harmful. But sure, you’re the genius.

Google it and you will find a million articles titled: “why you still need to ... after your vaccination”. I know a lot about this. It’s not a normal vaccine it’s mRNA, pharma companies have been trying to get these drugs passed for decades and they have always been refused until now. They aren’t vaccines by definition.

They won’t help you be healthier and they won’t help us get back to normal, you are just helping rich people make more money.

Can you please explain how they work then. I googled it and only found articles that said the vaccine was safe and effective. I assume most of those articles were fake new and propaganda by Bill Gates and George Soros so someone intelligent and clearly knows what they are talking about like you should be able to tell me the truth about it

Who needs vaccines 💉🤢 when you have Allah 😍🙏

unironically not getting a vaccine, corona was some pussy shit and anyone that dies from it needs to man the fuck up

Best day ever: someone features me in a new drama sub that I didn’t know existed and the comments are expectedly based.

Been saying it since March. I won’t change the way I live because some people who never took care of themselves got scared by the TV.

Imagine giving up all you rights because of a pathetic virus. Fuck this shit people need to grow a backbone.

Subbed, you’ll be seeing me around. I’m going to give OP so much shit he’ll regret ever making this lmao.

We look forward to hearing your takes, sweaty. 🥰

Username does not check out

Hank Aaron died a day after his.


Based and subbed.


Umm...yikes incel. It looks like you used a naughty word. Arr slash dtama is an inclusive, wholesome, pro-BLM subreddit and we do not tolerate bigotry.

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