Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Atheists are sheep just like the religious. Only I know the truth
  • usernaw : this study makes me feel euphoric
  • fartnigga : seething christcucks above and below me
  • Poj : PeepeeButtKiss what is the truth?


Based Atheists of RDrama, unite...


free at last from chistcuck nonsense, free at last!

post atheist material. no christcuck nonsense allowed! we WILL take nuclear action if need be to protect our homeland.


!atheists hard choice between austin and tyrone :#taythink: !christians convert! :#donkeykongdance:


One year ago, @zombies_for_trans_rights writes an inspiring post about a women achieving her fitness and peepee reception goals. Wholesome dramatards celebrate her accomplishments, but one Catholic dramatard is not so impressed, writing

:marseyluce:: obesity is the physical reflection of spiritual ugliness

Controversial, but if we are to be enlightened by our own intelligence, we must investigate. My several minutes of research have found that with an obesity rate of 28%, (Ctrl+f Vatican), the Vatican eclipses (:marseysmirk:) every society prior to the 20th century.

Conclusion: it's never been more over for popecels. The future belongs to the world's most spiritual people, the followers of Juche



@Nightcrawler stealth ping

Yes this source probably bullshit. No I don't care


I'm so sorry. These people are so depraved.

SO much this sister :#jinxthinkerhesright: !atheists why did the jesussianna feetwasher defending jeffestine younger cross the road? :#trollsus: to uhhhh....uuuuuuuuuhhhh... the :#trollclosedmouth: !the !r-slurs :#marseyretardchad:


Praise the Lord :#to: Praise the Doctor of Science! :#platyking:

Oh my God :#to: Oh my Hypothesis! :#platyfear:

Good Heavens :#to: Good Secular Humanist Civilization! :#chudconcerned:

Good God :#to: Brilliant Darwin! :#marseypikachu2:

Jesus Christ :#to: Bill Nye! :#petergriffinyes:

Jesus frick :#to: Einstein Frick! :#marseychemist:

For God's sake :#to: For Pythagoras' sake! :#marsey300:

For Heaven's sake :#to: For College's sake! :#marseywise:

God Bless :#to: Pythagorean Theorem Bless :#soren: (or May the Force be with you :#steamhappy:)

God Darn it :#to: Scholars of Science Scathe it! :#marseyweeb:

What the Heck :#to: What the Creationist Church! :#macroneyeroll:

Go to Heck :#to: Be Entrapped at a Prosperity Gospel Church! :#turtoisetrap:

Christ is **** (censoring this for the integrity of the Jewish Alphary :#chadjew2:) :#to: Science is Supreme! :#turtoisebinoculars:

I'm praying for you :#to: I am scientifically hypothesizing how you could most efficiently succeed theoretically :#batman:

!atheists !christians I've done it... feetwasher culture is OFFICIALLY CONQUERED :#platyking:


!atheists !gaystapo when we get rid of stragciety, STRAIGHTANIST SCROTES will be the NEW tradwives :#marseysoutherner:

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Christ denial not only is a mortal sin, it is the denial of basic human morality, it is pure hatred
  • Nightcrawler : @hailvictory1776 is right free my neighbor or face the Christian reeducation camps :capypharaoh:
:marseypraying: /r/atheism MELTDOWN as they realize Project 2025 is underway :marseyhappening: "THIS IS LITERALLY 1984 AND THE HANDMAID'S TALE" :soycry:

Fun fact for all of you enlightened by your own intellectcels: atheism has grown from 3% in 1970 to 4% in 2024 (source) and your project has utterly failed. Belief in new age spiritualism and du jour paganism have had all the growth in your efforts to destroy religion. Having said that, enjoy some reddit seethe:

fap time see u guys 😘


Quick Writeup and Thoughts on Chastity Belts (Female Chastity Cages)

Hello rdrama, you have heard me talk about Chastity alot, as it is my favorite fetish. However today I am talking about a part of chastity that isn't talked about much, female chastity.

So how does it work, well they obviously can't wear a cage, so instead they wear a sort of belt that looks like an industrial thong.

It wraps tightly around their body, and the holes in the middle allow them to pee, even if it can be messy.

Because of this, long term wear is practically non-existent in the community, and it is mostly worn in the bedroom

Belts have a decent following, but it's more moids that find it hot over women who actually enjoy wearing them from what I have gathered.

Anal and butt plugs are a major part of the female chastity community, many users wanting every hole in the body filled.

So why aren't they as popular as cages, well here are a few reasons I think this may be the case.

  • they are bulky and don't leave much to the imagination, unlike cages which you can usually see the peepee through.

(Unless you get this kind I guess)

  • take up much more space then cages, who still leave a good amount of the lower body exposed, unless you wear a 3/4 strap like me

(Here is a free pic you get of me teehee)

  • not as hygienic, you can easily clean around a cage, but a belt leaves a lot of skin under it, so it is not as practical for long term wear

  • men being submissive and not in control is seen as more kinky then the reverse, at least in most relationships

  • not many options for teasing and "playing", cages can be groped, vibed, smacked, and more, while female belt users may have to resort to other forms of teasing, such as ripple play or anal in the bedroom.

  • lack of variety for types of belt, most go with a lightweight metal, and while resin ones do exist, metal is easier to clean and keep hygienic

Personally I don't find them as interesting as cages, they are cool don't get me wrong, but it's a market that definitely doesn't have as much variations and innovation as cages do.

Then again I am a moid, so take what I say about them with a grain of salt.

What's you thoughts on them, would love to here anyone's opinion but especially women who know about them (or even tried them).

Thanks for reading!

!hornyposters !chastity

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