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We need common sense Catholic control

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What is that neighbor even saying its a complete non-sequitur

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Just the murder in my case. I'd find a way to get past my morals if my intentions died with my body.


Better to trade them for more and richer years


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>It's an 'Atheists pretend not to understand the moral argument' episode.

No one is saying that atheists can't be moral or that theism is the only thing holding most theists back from being immoral. We're saying that without the concept of God there's no objective basis for morality that compels rational agents to act morally.

Why do you act morally?

"Because if I didn't I'd feel bad."

Okay, and if someone doesn't feel bad, how can you morally condemn them?

"It's in their own self-interest for them to not antagonize others and be antagonized by others in response."

Okay, so as long as they don't get caught it's fine?

"It maximizes the average well-being among every person if we all act morally."

Why should I give a shit if the average person is better off if it means I'm materially worse off for doing 'the right thing'?

"If you defected from the moral contract then gradually everyone would defect and society would collapse, leaving you materially worse off."

So then just be discreet about it. Be a vigilant moral advocate in public while eschewing moral values in private. Would society collapse if I covertly found a way to avoid paying taxes while everyone else still did?

"The human conscience evolved to aid individual survival. That fact that it was chosen by natural selection means it grasps at an essential truth that performing acts that are judged 'good' by the conscience will ultimately benefit you in the end."

If moral conscience is a product of evolution, then it's nothing more than an instinct. Instincts are just imprecise, best-effort intuitions that can, and often must be overridden by rational consideration. When you hold your breath and dive underwater, your instincts tell you to inhale. Do you? Why don't you subject your morals to the same rational scrutiny? Are you stupid?

"I follow my conscience because doing so elicits good feelings in me and because it's in my own self interest for others to act morally. I condemn the immorality of others on the basis that it's disadvantageous to me."

Thank you, Nietzsche. There's a reason you're one of the only honest atheists (and why every serious atheist has read you).

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Jesus's most mentally stable warrior.

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PSA:We aren't ringing the alarm hard enough about the United States. Trump isn't gone, a third of the country are literal fascists who had immense political power and trump isn't going anywhere. He's faced practically no repercussions from the coup attempt. Trump planned out that entire event and was planning on deploying the military to kill protesters. Literally none of what I'm saying is an exaggeration. Yet people, even leftists asre falling for the idea that we should now ignore trump. Liberals never have been and never will be adequate fighters of fascism. If they were they wouldn't be capitalists because they'd know that's what produces it. It's almost solely on leftists such as us to do something about this. No matter how oppressed we are as individuals the line is always pushed back eventually by leftists and nobody else. Take care of yourselves and do some activism.

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