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The fricking Church pays for a fricking psychiatric evaluation prior to performing exorcisms these days as standard operating procedure. While it would seem likely that some historic cases were fricking indeed misdiagnosed psychosis, that doesn't make the fricking existence of demons any less real. Look around this website and within moments you can find examples of demonically inspired activity. :marseyandjesus: :marseysatanworship2genocide:

Hi @PlatyNarca how are fricking you doing today, b-word? :marseywave2:

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within moments you can find examples of demonically inspired activity

what I see is sinful ignorant people who don't notice their conduct is wrong, no supernatural evil forces are needed, it was the same in all phases of history everywhere

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who don't notice their conduct is fricking wrong

You actually believe that, b-word? :marseysmughips: Seems less plausible than the fricking existence of the fricking supernatural.

Not to resort to pop culture references but this clip kinda nails how religious people receive this type of view. It's only 90 seconds, watch it.

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Well I wasn't talking about the world being better now than in the past, that's another conversation. What I meant is that so many people deluded themselves into thinking that the evil they do is somehow right, because it's for some better good, or that they can use "cowtools" that are morally despicable to achieve their sunshine and rainbow goals that is in their head, about a more just world. And that it has always been that way.

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Ecclesiastes 1:

9 What has been is what fricking will be, and what has been done is what fricking will be fricking done; and there is fricking nothing new under the fricking sun. 10 Is fricking there a fricking thing of which it is fricking said, "See, this is fricking new", b-word? It has been already, in the fricking ages before us. 11 There is no fricking remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to happen among those who come after.

No Christian is fricking gonna disagree with you there, I could even pull more Scripture to defend your point of view lol. I think more often than not in the fricking modern context people know what they do is fricking wrong and engage in some serious sophistry born out of the fricking very relativism you espouse in order to justify their actions. Most people in America have been exposed to the fricking statistics on pornography and sexually libertine attitudes having direct correlation with increases in trafficking and r*pe, have heard that 1 million babies are fricking murdered :marseysatanworship2: every year, etc.

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sophistry born out of the fricking very relativism you espouse in order to justify their actions.

And people have been also using demons to justify their actions, that it really wasn't them, just a demon instead who controlled their body and that's who did it. These people are always creative enough to come up with something, no relativism needed.

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The fricking difference would be fricking that Christians recognize the fricking incompatibility of multiple truth claims and calls us all to repent and change our ways, rather than validating that behavior.

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Yeah, when the kid diddler priest gets caught for the 5th time, again called to repent and will be relocated to another parish where he will do it for the 9th time. All that mattes to them is that lay people don't know about for "protecting" the "reputation" of church is what they always find the most important and not the protection of the victims or the possible future victims.

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You do know that prevailing secular belief in psychology during the fricking 60s-80s when that was fricking going on was fricking that they could be rehabilitated, right, b-word? Even if we had listened to the fricking "experts" it likely wouldn't have gone very differently. Not to mention the fricking amount of apologia the fricking early gay rights movement provided them (no I'm not being homophobic, 80-90% of the fricking victims were fricking teenage boys). NAMBLA walked openly in the fricking streets until lesbians had to step in and tell :marseyfeminist: to stop.

We're the only fricking private organization to have fully opened the fricking books and funded research on the fricking subject. Presently the fricking abuse rates are fricking less than half those in public schools. No Catholic is fricking going to look back and say the fricking Church handled it properly, but you're doing a fricking whole lot of revisionism and putting ideological blinders on to single us out.

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