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:marseynotes: :marseyflagpakistan: Is Pakistan a failed state? : pakistan :marseymuslimitsover: :marseylaugh:


To give some background, I live outside of Pakistan and from the news here, it looks like Pakistan is about to fall apart. Once upon a time this was just Indian channels in their egoistic fever dream. But now every economic forum, news organization and country is saying the same thing. Organizations like Al Jazeera, CaspianReport, Bloomberg, Economic Times etc., all are saying Pakistan is about to collapse both in-terms of democracy ending (and martial law being declared) but also complete economic collapse.

:marseyjewofthesubcontinent: always win in the end sweaties.

How is it not




60 to 80 percent of our economy is unregulated, unregistered and a part of the gray and black economy. This means two things: we don't know how much flexibility we have or how much we can absorb before an actual economic collapse. The other thing is that undocumented economy is resilient in itself, as much of our economy is not formally incorporated or legally financially included this means that size of our true wealth is much greater and risk of default does not at all affect the informal sector. Having that said if the fuel prices continue to rise then there will be an actual crisis. Because that is the element that can actually do harm.

Yes Paki, oil is the only thing you import :marseysurejan: Large entities failing and government going into austerity will not affect informal workers in any way :marseylaugh:

We are in a tough situation but we are not on the same level as Somalia, at least not yet.


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