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Assberg Neighbor :marseyfrickyou2: asks Reddit :marseysaturn: how to get laid. “Um, wanting emotional intimacy makes you an incel :marseyunabomber3: and a potential abuser, sweetie. And you deserve to be alone :marseymoidmoment: if you're lonely”






>You're right :marseygasden: about the needy :marseytransattentionseeker: and desperate :marseyattentionseeker: part. A lot of guys complain about being “friend zoned,” but the kind of guy who is confident and genuine enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to actually :marseyakshually: want to be friends :marseyross: with a woman :marseypass2: and to value a woman's friendship the same way they would :marseymid: a man's (you know, like as if women :marseyblops2chadcel2: are people just like you), is going :marseysal3: to be happier and more appealing than a needy :marseytransattentionseeker: dude who whines that women :marseygoodnight: only want to be friends :marseysnoohug: with him.

You have to be the emotional tampon with confidence ok chud its confidence you lack!


>I stopped trying to be stereotypically "sexy" and leaned into the neurodivergent :marseyautismchonker: thing to make myself :marseycyanide: comfortable. Then I started my career and got my life together. Around sometime in the middle :marseyfinger: of that I met my girlfriend. Been I think :marseymindblown: 5 years together.

Lmao this Neighbor :marseysnappynraged: got settled for. I feel for the poor Neighbors who's first :marseywinner: time is seeing this with 31.


>Got rejected :marseytheyhaterhermessage: so many times that it doesn't feel bad anymore. Tried talking to more people in general. Kept asking girls :marseyblops2chadcel: out. At some point, some of them says yes

Just humiliate yourself :marseydoit: over and over again until you are an emotional void and then maybe some landwhale :marseychonkerfoid: will have some pity

And now to finish off, the Reddit :marseyupmarsey: foid shuts down the only good advice with some ol heckin gaslamping.

>Shoulders and six pack or at least outline :marseychameleonest: make a difference, also backside. So working :marseylifting: out of course in some fashion

>Actually , no, it isn't just about appearance . Being desperate :marseyattentionseeker: for s*x is frightening to be around as a woman :marseyeggless: .


Appearances dont matter :marseyjurisdiction: sweaty :marseychoice2: uhhhmk all of your lived experiences are fake.

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Also my voice literally sounds like this

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Just lift until you become handsome squidward

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