Good morning :marseycoffee: brocels



How's the election :marseytrumpitsover: day going? Personally I'm a germ so idrc all that much besides muh stocks.

Today's topic: oneitis! !incels who was she and how did she humiliate/black pill you?

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>Today's topic: oneitis! incels who was she and how did she humiliate/black pill you?

I had a crush on a foid during college, nothing ever came of it. A few months after graduation we met by chance on a nightclub.

We danced and made out. I asked her out the following week, she said no. That was it :marseyshrug:

I didn't feel too upset at the time but in retrospect it fricked me up way more than I thought. Haven't really had a crush or cared about a foid since :marseyhmm:

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