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What's your oneitis like?

It's over for simps

When was the last time a foid complimented you?
There :marseycheerup: is nothing funnier than a foid not realising she hits a wall

So I was with a photographer pal and we bumped on 2 foids :marseyblops2chadcel: he know one looked like spider :marseyandtheboys: man 2 2004 landowner daughter and other as Jabba the hunt with make up so the first :marseywinner: girl gave me her hand as greeting :marseymarcuswave: and did a hug but then I was about the greet the Jabba the Hunt and she made such a disgusting :marseyeyebleachmad: face :marseyemojirofl: like my first :marseywinner: tough when I seen this Jabba were would :marseymid: swipe left 100%. And thing is she was one of first :marseywinner: model :marseylaying: of my friend :marseychinchilla2: and he has pictures of her when she was legit cute good looking :marseyinsane: like from 8 years ago when she was like 15-16 and her attitude didn't changed when her look changed a lot and when we were standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: talking the Spider-Man girl was looking :marseyoperasmug: at me interested :marseyschizoexcited: and was smiling :marseyhappy2: and generally nice so the contrast with Jabba the hunt made the whole situation funnier.

It's like one of you posted a video :marseyzeldatingle: where :marseydrama: a teacher :marseyshortbus: told a fat foid “you can't be bitchy and fat, if you are fat you need to be jolly”

[POLL] Where is the line between volcel and incel?

I saw someone on here saying people who've never actively sought out dates aren't incels. Is this true? How hard so you have to seek out relationships?

I've never asked anyone out before (modulo your definition of what 'asking someone out' means), but I'm also khhv and depressed because of it. Do I not could as an incel because of my own autism/cowardice?


How many girls do you have to ask about (on what is explicitly a date), then fail to enter a relationship (they say no, they say yes and ghost you, they say yes but it doesn't go anywhere, etc.) before you're an incel:

Noodle virtue signalling why she needs tall guy


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We did it bros, only 5 days left :cheers:

A full year kisless, handholdless, hugless, dateless, sexless, and there is no one else I'd do it besides. Cheers lads !incels :#truestorybro:

Why are blackcels so convincing?


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So I went on a fairly :marseytimmy: standard techno thing from Saturday to Sunday night :marseysamfisher: in an overpriced (300ml of Vodka-E was 9 bucks) place :marseyminipixel: in an overpriced city.

I left at 2:20 because my brother :marseyobey: celebrated his 20th on Sunday. I already felt kind of depressed :marseysigh: (enhanced by the pills), even though I enjoyed the music :marseybongosnoo: due to all the Zoomer :marseytf2scout: foids :marseyblops2chadcel: being foids :marseyblops2chadcel: and me knowing I was too uncomfortable :marseyautismdisconcerting: to try and make a move.

Well, inside :marseyteapot: the club, I didn't really :marseythinkorino2: feel the pills :marseyjunkie2: (probably the music :marseysosa: and the lights :marseyneon: tricking my perception?), but as soon as I got some nicotine-free air, I did. Boy, I did. I think :marseymischevious: I was talking to myself :marseypain: in a hushed tone about how much I hate everything and everyone :marseynorm: (I don't, but seething :marseyoverseether: usually gets me relaxed) while I was walking :marseydogwalker: to the train :marseymeangirls: station. The ride home was okay—nothing special. When I arrived at my parents' place :marseychtorrr: at 3 a.m., the hallucinations :marseyschizowave: kicked in. Let's just say I got zero sleep :marseyhatman2: that night, and I looked like a body the next day at the table.

TLDR: don't take hallucinogenics if you plan to leave :marseypeaceout: early. Still no gf btw.

Good moooorning
They aren't okay

MENA needs femini-ACK @jackie

!incels (i dont notify followers in my /h/braincels posts so you're gonna get this everytime i post here)

Life fuel for whitecel



I met this femcel on reddit (I know they don't exist) and we'd been talking for about a month. I was starting to like her a lot. We even voice chatted one day and I thought we clicked. Eventually we agreed to use snapchat so we could see what we both looked like. She sent me a photo of herself and she was slightly below my looksmatch, however I didn't care Since she was very nice. I complimented her and said she's pretty. I sent her a photo of me, and she left me on "opened" for a day. A day later I responded and asked how she was, ignoring the fact she had no comment on my face. I was left on opened again, and when I sent her another message, Snapchat notified me saying "your friend request is pending" meaning she fricking blocked me.

Fricking heck. I finally meet a really nice girl, and she's still chad only. Unfrickingbelieveable. I wanted to believe I had found a unicorn, instead I found another femoid.

Oh, and get this. A few weeks before we sent face photos of ourselves, she asked me what we wanted from each other during s*x. She told me she wanted to be laying down on her stomach as I prone boned her, and wished I called her a "dirty femoid slut." No joke. Her fricking words exactly (she's familiar with incel lingo). I told her I really don't want to say that since I have respect for her (used to respect her) and she says "why?" I then tell her I view her as a woman, not a femoid, and said a woman shouldn't be treated that way.

I proceeded to tell her what I wanted from s*x which was kissing, eye contact, hand holding, cringe shit right? It sounds stupid, but it's what I truly want. "muh you must be a simp :soy: " No. A simp would be someone who doesn't hesitate to do despicable shit during s*x since they're too scared to say what they think is right. I actually have the audacity and balls to say it's not right. I'd still do her fetish if it meant getting laid (unless it's pegging me or weird shit strag shit), but I'm going to be honest with her.

Even virgin women (at least she claims to be one) want to be treated like animals during s*x. I've lost all hope in virgin women. AWALT.

It's over even a crocodile can get laid with white women but not you


Good morning :marseycoffee: internet :marseysurftheweb:
Woke up to 16 unread texts from her today

Do you guys think I have a shot???

omg! !incels

Okay, girl. Let's talk abwout ywour past

@WeihnachtenSalvador stand with Ukraine

I think this is what BAP meant by "the longhouse"
How to become more incel?

Hi all, my gf has an incel kink and she said I should dress up as one so she can fix me but I'm a hot 6'2 guy so idk where to start, please help.



Whatever, just browse it yourself. I have a hot date with @me to prepare for.

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