You know it's true


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Rightoids actually play with their expensive toys, though.

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funkos would be slightly less gay if they were like legos and you actually built them

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That's one of the few things giving Warhammer plastic any legitimacy as a manchild toy; there's an actual hobby element to the building and painting.

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i have a hard time pretending like some well assembled 40k figures aren't pretty cool. i would have loved that shit when i was 5 and into GI joe

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Funkos would be a lot less gay if 40,000 people committed suicide with them every year too

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I wish they'd play with them in a very certain way if you know what I mean :marseygunshotsuicide:

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Expressing your interests through collecting is okay actually.

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Yeah I'm not going to mock someone for collecting Warhammer 40k collectibles, Fishing, Hunting, DnD, Sports etc.

Those things are fun

Funko pops are r-slurred

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Yeah the reason funkos are r-slurred is that you're getting some cheap shitty replication of the thing you actually like.

If they had shelves full of normal action figures it would be fine

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if they had shelves full of :quote:normal:quote: action figures it would be fine

No, it wouldn't. Anyone that collects dolls is a :faggot:

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Or a billionaire

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Gotta admit, after I first watched Taxi Driver and saw that they made a Travis Bickle Funko I :marseysoyhype:'d a bit

Not r-slurred enough to actually buy one though

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These deserve mocking. Same with funkos. I'm gonna guess you collect those.

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No I don't I just listed a bunch of hobbies I dabbled in.

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You started with warhammer, so you đź’Ż% have a massive collection. Nobody has fishing or hunting collectibles that they display on a shelf.

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nobody has fishing or hunting collectibles that they display


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Those are things he caught not bought. They're trophies not collectibles.

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He literally went into the wilderness and collected them though. Because of their inherent collectibility

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He didn't collect them? He killed them and had them stuffed as trophies. I particularly like the deer legs that have been turned into lamps, reminds me of my ancestors.

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He could just be a taxidermist

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Darn bro good job.

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Lol it's just a google photos result for "hunting trophies", but thanks i guess?

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Nah I know that's you.

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I didn't buy a single figure I used someone else's army looked at the price and said no ducking thank you

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No worries I'll do it for you. Because it's still gay

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creative hobbies > consumption hobbies

but I ain't here to judge :#marseygrilling2:

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collecting things which you'll never :marseyitsover: use is fricking for r-slurs

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My actual take is that collecting is good as long as you are participating in the act of the hunt.

You're networking and doing footwork going to shops and antique stores and expos and trading with other passionate people to get what you want. That's fetch.

Just opening your wallet and buying it on ebay (where its always available) is not fetch.

I collect clothes niche enough where if you want something specific you can't find it. I have to watch stores and online for months and months to find something worth picking up. i do actually use them though

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I managed to snag two vintage computers through one yard sale connection.

Old lady overheard me talking about looking for old computers and said she was an old school teacher with one in the basement - snagged a TI-99/4A.

Turned out her brother also had a VIC-20. :marseyw:

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I collect clothes niche enough

Lmbo, /r/streetwear user detected. Your clothes look like shit, that's why you can't find them.

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Wrong I only buy fancy japanese button up shirts and blazers from the 80s

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I think it's really cool if you have a passion for a really certain niche thing and not just pop culture in general. It's not really fun if it's mass produced toys like funko pops.

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For collectables, I think retro-gaming is probably the largest bubble. Nobody outside of a narrow demographic born between 1980-1995 cares about Mario bing bong wahoo.

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Super :marseykangtheconqueror: Mario :marseynintendo: world :marseyww1american2: is objectively the best platformer ever made

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I think you misspelled Plok!

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:#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam:

:uglypray: Tim Follin is a GOD

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Learning he made the Plok! soundtrack was almost as big of a shock as learning who made the Timecop (the videogame) ost.

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>we need these guns to ensure the hecking deep state doesn't oppress us

>believes the deep state rigged an election and faked a virus to control the population

>Does literally nothing

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>the gay satan empire is collapsing minute by minute

>just go out and create some fbi or media headlines to encourage them or just sit back and relax

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>Believing that dunce is using his SAA to fight the gubermint.

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guns are cool and loud

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CAN'T BLOW AWAY PEDOS WITH FUNKOPOPS :#marseykyle::#!marseykyle:

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I plan on defending myself from women by showing them my funkopops.

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Literally not me, I actually plan on using my 50s era SKS for defense

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It's true fr fr

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>literally what's the difference?

The guns will accrue in value.

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Lmao only if it's a NFA item. Anything that doesn't require a tax stamp will decrease in value faster than a new car.

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Boys def do be collectin'


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I only sorta understand collecting if its old stuff. If you're collecting something for its history and its sentinental value maybe that's even cool because you're extending it by doing so and prevent all that junk from finding its way to the scrapyard.

I only say sorta though because I still don't understand the mindset one has to be in and it is reminiscent of hoarding.

If you however collect mass produced garbage that is litterred everywhere and order it straight from the production line resulting in all of us getting that extra 0.01% dose of microplastics in our breakfast, then keep yourself safe. If you also think that this cheap garbage has any real value and that you're making an investment by buying it, keep yourself safe x2

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One can do more than collect dust

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It's easier to turn a home intruder into a convertible with my Sig516 (Just as good cry more HK416 strags).

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