Anon assesses his life

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All my friends are getting married or having kids, we barely see each other IRL these days :m#arseydepressed:

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Mine don't have wives or kids but are such pothead shut-in g*mers that I can't get them to do fricking anything. The internet and lockdowns have turned the general populace into neurodivergent pod people.

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maybe your friends were losers all along?

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Lockdowns were the best thing to ever happen to neurodivergents, the expectations for your social skills got massively lowered.

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Welcome to your thirties :mars#eycheerup:

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I still have a few years left :soycry:

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Dude, your supposed to get married and have kids then hang out with the other parents.

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!incels get a load of this guy

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Hanging :marseyropeyourself2: out = doing lines and playing ping pong at the rec.

i caint muh ppd.

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It's the wives fault. They operate by making plans months in advance and this is fundamentally incompatible with the way men arrange things.

Whenever one of us guys tries to arrange something for maybe sometime in the next three weeks, most people are already committed to doing some shitty wife crap so we just never get to do anything semi-spontaneous and then if we plan it log enough in advance, the wives are free as well and want to come along to whatever we've arranged, therefore ruining the entire purpose of meeting up.

It's such a trap because if you follow the advice and don't get married while everyone else does, now you're still a victim of the same problem but you don't even have a wife to keep you company.

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all these open bars at weddings are tits woooooo

everywhere i look i see new children

last we saw of the couple :marseycupid: was the weddin


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Mid 30s with no family. You can only make friends with other people like you and theyre almost all miserable.

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He's not wrong. 30 is around about when most people have kids and/or have to move around for jobs. I don't have kids but I have to move a lot for my job so I can't even make a lot of friends and even the ones I do, I don't do much beyond drinking with them at a bar on a Friday night.

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Do you even need other people after 30 when you're a man? I'd be fine hermitmaxxing until @FrozenPillgrim croak.

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My main concern with this is getting some injury or illness that knocks me down for a while. Hermitmaxxing becomes much harder then.

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People will desert you if you get seriously ill. The only solution to illness is to own your home and to be financially secure.

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Even with those things, what do you do if you become bedridden for a couple months?

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If you become ill to the point of being bedridden, you will first make a stop to the hospital where you will be prescribed daily nurse visits to receive anticoagulants so you don't get a clot and die and possibly provide more care if you require it such as cleaning you, changing bandages, etc... Assuming you don't live in a shit hole.

You can also get help from a number of social services that will send someone to cook for you, feed you, clean your home, buy groceries and so on...

If you have the money you can also just get some college student off Craigslist to come do these things for you.

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Ah right, didn't consider home health services.

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Reported by:
  • WayOut : I'm too old to feel anger


Sorry. Had to improve my day by chuddin you. You must understand please. Bye much you get thank book read lit reason-- to power :marseyzeldaganondorf: truth. Neighbor :marseyfuckyou:

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Reported by:
  • WayOut : I'm more hematoma than man.

>receive anticoagulants

Aka get stabbed in the frickin stomach

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Pay off the medical debt that accumulates.

What you want us to say neighbor. Getting bedridden for a couple of months is a very rare not even once in a lifetime occurrence. Or at least should be if everybody wasn't trying to turn themselves into a beached whale.

Edit: Anyways if you are in the first world either your insurance or universal healthcare if its available should cover multiple months of bed rest no?

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Yeah sorry I guess I wasn't clear. I'm not worried about finances or a place to stay, I'm worried about who will make me food and drive me places lol.

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The nurses will give you food at the hospital bed.

Or you would be getting food delivery every single day to drop it off in front of your house.

Or get a paid help to take care of you.

For driving you places you are too sick to work. You don't have places to go. Most legal document or financial work can be done online today.

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Other emergency service-cels will sit with you until you die. They will never abandon you, if you're part of the fold.

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The purpose of life isn't to make friends. It's to keep powering up as far as you can and then pass on the baton to your children to power up even further to heights you couldn't reach due to mortality.

On a more realistic note, having friends is nice, and the easiest way to make friends is to be successful enough and socially interesting enough and extroverted enough that other people want to interact with you.

However, be warned, the further you age, the more your friendships may either strengthen with time or feel more flimsy to the touch.

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>friendships may either strengthen with time or feel more flimsy to the touch.

Im gay; im not a cute twink.

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I haven't had any friends for almost 2 decades now. Sometimes I've been invited to places as the bf of various gfs over that period but nothing beyond that. I sit in the corner and pretend to be entertained and wait to go home.

I could make friends easily enough. I'm not totally socially r-slurred (despite being an rdrama user) but I just don't really get anything out of it so I don't.

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This is sad. Just tell stories from your mispent youth.

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>so there was this one time we were spamming this bizarre fetish porn in stickam chat rooms...

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I'm the same, hermitmaxx because it frickin rules

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Went through this midway through highschool. It's been a decade and you get over it.

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Things were good, then I got a traveling job. When I quit that I found all my friends have drifted apart and moved on.

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OP has a wife and is bitching about being lonely :marseyeyeroll: ughh normies

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You wouldn't be lonely if you became my femboy-waifu


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Making friends is easy, the hard part is securing a decent wife.

So I have very little sympathy for anon here. Anyway once you manage to produce kids most of your time should be focused on family

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If only your ex wasn't such a whore eh

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Facts: I'm unironically very upset by it. I mean, I managed my money pretty well. Secured a house, a condo, and two cars by my 40s. The plan by now was to have a passive income stream by renting out the condo so that my w*fe could be a stay-at-home mom and look after our future kids. That dream's ruined now thanks to that cheating whore.

It isn't ALL bad though. At least I dipped and got the divorce before she popped out her affair partner's kids. The American court system is horribly unfair to men but still not so cucked that they would force a man to care for somebody else's child which his ex had after the marriage was already over.

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You become friends with your kids' friends' parents.

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Imagine telling your wife you have no friends: you either just told your wife she isnt your friend :marseychinchilla2: or you have admitted to her you are a loser.

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It always amazes me how much effort people will put into typing this shit out compared to going out and meeting new people.

It's not fricking hard.

Just move to Europe where you can drink outdoors and there's festivals year round instead of sitting in your big suburban house which is actually just a grave.

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Excuse me, but my big suburban house is a mausoleum.

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I wanna get a mausoleum when I die. I can fill it with bear traps in case some r-slurred kids decide to break in. Their blood sacrifice shall sustain my spirit

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I'm sort of in the same boat and I've started going to random events--because otherwise I wouldn't be talking to anyone else besides a baby.

I've met some cool people this way but haven't really developed any lasting friendships yet. It doesn't help that I don't do social media besides this godforsaken site.

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Actual answer: be a part of emergency services on a professional or volunteer basis and you will always have brothers. You can call your boys 24/7/365 and you'll never walk alone if you don't want to.

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I'm still friends with my friends from high school, my Marine brothers and my extended family and am over 40.

Millenitards decided they hated their parents so much for not buying them toys and game tapes that they'd spend their formative years hating where they came from and decided to move across thr country every year to whatever urban shithole is trendy never saving money and blaming lack of savings on capitalism so they never made any connections in their community then think the only way to make friends is through the internet. They are failures and don't realize what their shallow, isolated lives missed: Christ

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I have 1 friend, it's pretty :marseyglam: sweet :marseycandycorn:

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I have coworkers and piles of money. I found that friends are less rewarding than just having a mountain of women to bang, honestly. I just can't be bothered.

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