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  • BimothyX2 : Zip files are blocked by most corporate and personal email services. This story is entirely fiction.
  • 89wc : ^lmao no tf they're not

Anon sends a file

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Just like how you would not expect anyone to learn how computers work by using a video game console, so too should you not expect people to learn how computers work by using modern GUIs. They are so easy they suck the learning right out.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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My kids will start off with a pure DOS machine like their parents before them

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It was so strange :marseyautismdisconcerting: watching :marseyilluminati: my boomer :marseygrilling2: parents, who introduced me to DOS when I was like 7, turn into mindless tech zombies :marseymancer: that cant google :marseygetgle: and fear keyboards.

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Been there done that.

The trick is to make your parents realize that they have been infected with the CONSOOM virus and they need to fight to regain their individuality.

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I tried and they started yelling :marseymegaphone: about COBOL. help ):

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Sorry, I didn't plan beyond that point. Adapt!

Good luck!

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Keep the spacing chart handy

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I still use the RUN menu from throwbacks to Windows 3.1 and actually type directory paths into the address bar in explorer, plus I use shortcut keys for everything pretty much. Zoomer chick in the IT department was amazed when she was working on my machine installing fonts which I'm not allowed to.

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Why are there illegal fonts? :marseyworried:

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They were designed in bad faith

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Bad faith fonts

:marseyhuh2: :marseyzombiewolfamogus:

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License bullshit.

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So apparently fonts need admin level access to add or delete because changing them or deleting the default fonts can cause the whole OS to take a shit and be useless. Like if I deleted Ariel font the whole OS would shit.

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You can sneak code into them to activate in MS Office executables

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Elaborate pls

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Good morning sir I'm sneaking a virus onto your computer right now sir

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I said elaborate not ELI5. Prease.

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Fonts are executable code themselves, they aren't just the shapes of the letters, true type and open type fonts contain code on how to antialias the letters and how to kern them correctly.

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they don't have a loicense

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Windows 8 was an attempt to turn a desktop into an iPad and I'm glad it failed. Zoomers have no concept of folder hierarchy. It's among the many reasons I love android -- I use the file browser to do almost everything.

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Plus any Android issue can be quickly solved by looking up problem +adb shell and then clicking Translate from Portuguese.

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I can navigate websites and computers without a fricking mouse on the fricking desktop with the fricking tab key and hotkeys. Literal technosorcery to people these days.

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I love Krunner, it's baffling PowerToys Run isn't built into Windows by default.

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I remember in CompSci the professors had to explain for like two weeks and with full pages of instructions and presentations how to set up Filezilla so they could us VScode on windows for programming and then moving these onto the linux machine to compile and test. Love me Vim

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Just install vs code on windows wtf

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Yeah why the FileZilla lmao

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Probably some janky configuration such that they only want the ftp port open between students and that file server?

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My my how times have changed. Memba when we'd laugh at boomer professors who couldn't figure out how to work the projector from his laptop? I memba.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Having to remotely teach :marseymoidteach: with a tablet during covid :marseymask: humbled the shit out of me.

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You teach?

We have Dramatards teaching people?

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Can't be worse than those literal fricking idiots over on /r/teachers.

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My kindergarten students called me a sissy, I can't stop crying.

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I have taught in the past, but only during grad school.

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This isn't the worst thing ever if you're trying to convince COMP 101 students to compile shit on Linux. I think I just set up WinSCP to autosync onto my university computers because the TA's would require my work to compile on university machines. :marseyshrug: I had my own 'tistic distro I used for development.

Nowadays there is just Windows Subsystem for Linux, tho, if you're trying to get zoomzooms past the kiddie pool.

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Tbf you need a comp sci degree to compile anything in linux. "What's that, your kernel is slightly newer and the makefile specifies exact kernel versions? Frick you, compilation fails."


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this gives me flashbacks to the beginning of CS 201 where it worked on my machine but not the school mothership machine

furiously editing make files at 11:45 pm when I realized it didn't work

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Tell me about it. :marseyeyeroll: I think I gave up and started using Cmake at one point. And then it would fail because the university's version was years behind...

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they also fricked up later by teaching them to use nano first, like "oh use nano filename to edit it! And we can do this if we want to program in linux"

before they began trying to drill them into using vim. They didn't know how to so they all used nano or doing the vscode-filezilla method while I was in the corner like :marseynerd2: "vim sho good"

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Apple products and their consequences. :marseyitsover:

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No joke pc gaming in the 90's prepared me for an IT career.

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>touch phone

>message sent

>touch phone

>picture taken

>touch phone

>burger delivery comes

>touch phone

>funko pop delivery comes

>touch phone

>touch phone

>touch phone

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>touch phone

>burger delivery comes

i hate this so much, I had a roommate that would touch phone and spend nonexistant money on five guys

:marseyaware: "oh no the regret set in..." :clueless: "but the driver is already on the way and at least I get a burger"


:clueless: "Yeah but I already pushed the burger button without thinking about it sorry... now it's too late--- do you want some of my fries tho?"


this was a weekly occurence

I offered to drive the guy to subway

I offered to WHEELBARROW him to subway

who doordashes subway anyway

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You have complained about your broke, r-slurred, impulsive roommate before and I laugh every time you talk about him.

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who doordashes subway anyway

someone with brain damage

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He sounds too broke to pay rent, hope he's good in bed bb

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he got voted off the island lol

his mom always venmo him money right before rent so that wasn't the problem. the problem was

:clueless: "hey guys"

:motherofgod: "dude what the frick is that?"

:clueless: "DUDE WEED LMA--"

:ragestrangle::ragestrangle::ragestrangle: :!marseyaware:

wasnt even legal where we live and he got a shit ton of it (idk weed measurements)

also our roomate who never says anything and was actually jome got the BRIGHT fricking idea to chuck the whole package into the wood burning fireplace to dramatically dispose of it and make a statement

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That's funny bb

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You can't help the helpless. Don't let it bother you, until you have to pay your taxes.


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his hillbilly mom always venmo'd him when his part of the rent was due so ig there was never anything to complain about :marseytabletired:

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>touch peepee

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>C*m spent


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Don't most computers these days just automatically unzip when you double click on them? Or do windows PCs still need third party apps to do so?

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It doesn't automatically unzip it just lets you view inside it and copy / view stuff. Luckily for windows you can unzip by using the rightclick menu but that's still too advanced for :marseyzoomer:

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I think there is a big unzip button on the windows explorer too.

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found the incel

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Why are you hiding the ROM you downloaded? Is it some Eroge piece of shit that you're too embarassed to share?

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I didn't want anyone to know I have poor taste and got mario tennis

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idk it just seems pointless when the right click menu brings it up as an option (along with 7-zip)

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Gotta have my 7-zip

Though I might be the last person making .tar filed

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Zoomers only use smart phones

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The hot chip is too spicy for them and they are too neurodivergent to lie effectively

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The winzip guy should have sued the shit out of micros~1 like the pkzip guy did

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I liked it because my dad pronounced pkunzip as "pumpkin zip" and so I always wanted to help him pumpkin zip all the files.

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Windows 10 does this yeah

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Windows has natively supported zipping and unzipping files since like the early 2000s, maybe even sooner.

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windows native zipping tool does not support all characters in filenames even today.

:marseywindows#: :marseyshooting#:

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Not wrong. Wikipedia says since windows ME which was 1998. Strag.

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Wikipedia is lying. I memba spending the entire 00s downloading winzip and wanking.

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I've never had to manually unzip files since I've dealt with them at work. It notifies me asking if I want to unzip when I try to frick with it :marseyzoomer:

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Yeah it's been pretty much built-in since W10

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Zoomers dont even know how to type on a keyboard, use a pc, or do proper internet research. There whole life is on their phone. Their whole internet is social media.


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Its amazing, we have access to more information than a mediaeval peasant would ever know what to do with and yet c*nts still ask the most basic shit on reddit

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only PC minecraft and roblox g*mers know these things

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If you ever have the misfortune of working in an office you'll discover how many millennials/Xers can't into computers

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Zoomies should bd mlre competent though sonce they grew up with this shit.

I dont mind the 50 year old guys not being good with computers, they spent most of their professional life without it and even still its only a tool for part of their work. But theres plenty zoomies whose main job is computer shit and still they can barely understand how to create a pdf.

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Its gotten so bad that they jacked up the fricking rates of entry-level computer literate work that a fricking college grad in 2018 would only get 20 bucks an hour for.

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Lifefuel for bros entering the workforce who are only borderline incompetent.

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You just have to be better than single-mothers in tech and you'll eventually get up there.

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I'm a millenial.

I'm conducting a good portion of business on a frickin IBM ERP from the 80's.

Our server is backed up on RDX ( :marseykey:).

I did not previously know of F12+ keys but now I frick with them.

Does this knowledge make me Gen X now? :marseyboomer:

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Boomers: how I open pdf

Zoomers: what's a pdf

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A pdfile is someone who touches little kids

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Its going to be worse with these kids growing up with Tik Tok, going to have short attention spans.

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Fake and straight. Zip files get filtered out by corporate email systems.

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Sent within the corporation? Come on

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Used to be like that at my old job

No zips in mails, we had to copy paste links to shared folders instead

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I used to just switch the extension to .txt and tell the recipient to change it to .zip.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Maybe I'm giving them too much credit. But my last two jobs restricted that. Really annoying. I had to use dropbox (which was also technically against IT policy) every time I needed to send a zip or large file to my colleagues.

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I have zoomers and millennials trying to open corpo Google Drives with their own personal gmails and their own personal google drives and moving files and shit back and forth and then linking the fricking incorrect drive link to people and everyone being confused why people didn't have proper access to shit.


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lol this man corporates! I thought the same thing actually, but then I thought it's possible this place allows it.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Cause now that it's not the 90s and average PCs have gigabytes of long-term storage capacity, there's no reason to use zip files for anything except huge data or if you want to combine multiple files into one.

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You're going to hate the future, unlimited data budgets are going away very soon

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VC money drying up means unlimited data is fricking drying up.


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this same thought process has made every piece of software a bloated mess in terms of size and memory allocation :marseyrain:

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That's the user's problem. Dev chads rise up!

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I mean transfer rates would be one reason. If you have a slow connection it's faster to download a smaller file.

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That's a good point

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Lol I sent an Indian :marseymarfan: foid a zip file and she has no idea what that is. Most people are that tech illiterate.

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I read some research a while back which sort of backed this up: Zoomers are superficially technically competent, I mean they use the internet, and phones, and were born 'digitally native', but beneath that superficial layer they're considerably less technically skilled and competent than previous generations because most of what they've grown accustomed to using and doing is streamlined, and had the corners removed so they can't hurt themselves - if your day to day digital experience is scrolling through instagram and tiktok, and commenting on reddit, and buying shit from Amazon, all from your iPhone, then it's probably not too surprising to find that you don't actually have any real skills, or have really learned about how to learn new things.

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i hate boomers so much

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boomers could theoretically learn how to use a desktop computer as they had practical experience working at a desk and using a folder to organize files

meanwhile zoomers tap on their smartphones which is a total blackbox to them and has no real life material experience as comparison

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