Anon doesn't want to get banned

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>not stocking up on verification cans


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>Play some unranked matches as a newbie

>Lose a couple. Enjoy playing.

>Get banned for bad conduct


>Close League of Legends

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League was (still is afaik) cancer. Got my account permabanned which had all champions and runes (when they were still bought in store) unlocked and a crap load of skins. Reason? Season 6 Master promotion matches where I got 3 back-to-back trolls and AFKs resulting in me losing my shit and just flaming really hard.

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I never played but I knew a guy who would play Heimerdinger? in the middle land and people would rage at him because it wasn't meta. He'd consistently have better performance than his teammates.

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Heimerdinger is meta-warping and is played so rarely that most people don't know how to play against him correctly and over-commit and get memed to death by turrets.

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Most people don't understand that landing a grenade causes the turrets to immediately fully charge. It's the one mechanic that carries him through scrub tiers because people don't think about it and overcommit

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That's exactly what he was doing. He also had some ability to shoot projectiles from himself. He'd whittle their health down , place a large turret that took out a lot of health, chase them, and then fire the projectile to finish them off.

He constantly had angry people in chat.

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I do that with AP Kog - nobody has any clue how to play against it :marsey: same with Lulu top :marseyrapscallion:

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New age heimer also just has an ult with cc on the level of amumu that 90% of shitters don't touch and when the good ones pull it out, no one expects it.

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Heimer is like top 5 CBT counterpick characters, that shit destroys melees.

Anyways, league is one of the less meta-slave games I've played, I climbed to top 1000 back in S6 playing one of the least played characters in the game (Skarner) and people never said anything about it. In my masters promos last split I had a guy named "ChildChomperNunu" on my team one time who played roaming Nunu support and was just dumpstering people.

There's a whole channel dedicated to off-meta strategies that get high elo success in league called "HappyChimeNoises" since it's so frequent. Sometimes they're so broken that the company actually has to nerf them (like Taric mid and Janna top).

Picking off-meta in a game like OW or WoW on the other hand.....lmao

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hes a cute twink u should kilm hkm

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Its been downhill since Season 5 honestly, despite a fricking cool spike in covid.

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Modern pvp games are just a test of how cool you can remain while trolls do the absolute maximum they can within the rules to tilt you. Game devs know that actually reducing toxicity results in lower profit so they allow most shit.

It's why i BM in every possible game of Hearthstone and will continue to do so until they introduce a global mute function.

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>play league with friends

>Be bad because I don't like league and only play with friends

>Some guy starts flaming me

>Mute him

>Friend tells me he's still going in all chat like 10 minutes later

>He starts a surrender vote

>Vote no

>Unmute him


>Game ends like 10 minutes later

>Add him to friends

It's the only feeling that keeps me going honestly

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i can feel you getting upset through the screen. trolls must love you

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Just sick of fricking pirate rogue in wild man.

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It's why i BM in every possible game

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It's why i BM in every possible game of Hearthstone

I BM decks I deem cancerous. If ur playing some net deck aggro shit and lose to me, ur getting roped 100% of the time.

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Siege is horrible for this. A few weeks ago I got a warning for voice abuse even though my microphone has been disabled in settings for about half a decade.

If you type "gn" then you get warnings for grieifing and text abuse.

I play with a dude who has all comms disabled and is never toxic and he sometimes gets warnings too.

Siege is meant to be a collaborative game but it's not worth it because if you turn on comms you open yourself up to getting reported.

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>gn: gay BIPOC

>gg: gas gooks

>brb: burn Rwandan babies

>afk: attack fricking jewish chads

Are you aware of the video game hate speech your kids are exposed to?

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gg: gas gooks

Worse: G*mergate :marseyvivianjames:

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you cant talk to people anymore. i hate it.

when i played cod4 (360) i'd 1v1 lobby and ask "headshots?" to whoever came in. (sometimes they'd leave because apparently people love 1v1 on large maps. frick off.)

i met a BIPOC once and he said "headshots? yes" and i clocked on that he was a african or some shit, probably nigerian because there are a lot of them and they're somewhat developed.

i'd join team chat and say "hi BIPOC, wanna do some headshots?" he knew what maps to skip automatically. he loved me calling him a BIPOC, there were no hard feelings, definitely.

times gone past, rolling far past the windows.

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i used to call all foreigners dirty swedes when playing halo 2 and it really really really offended people. i never figured out why it bothered them so much but it was hilarious.

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cryptic replacement dog-whistle. nice to make some nice like-minded friends

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn---(i've gone into ultrasonic)-----[frend request received from MrsBlahaj]

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who are you quoting?

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I had the PSN "ToxicMasculinity" for 6yrs and after getting heavy into a MP game (with a heavily straggy playerbase) my name was apparently mass reported and "broke TOS", the Snoy jewish chads forced me to change it. :marseydoomer:

Gaming is dead.

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see no evil

hear no evil

speak no evil


smell all the evil


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Here have another whiff :#mariogoatse:

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Why are you blocking me? :marseysad:

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You fat b-word

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I never got madder than when I played Competitive Overwatch. I got muted so many times lol. That was 7 years ago, and I barely play anything multiplayer ever now, outside of the occasional Monster Hunter and FromSoft game.

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I can't imagine being a big enough strag to play overwatch comp

It's a game with literally zero skill expression because it's designed for console strags

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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Yea Overwatch is the most rage inducing game I ever played.

If people on the team aren't pulling their weight…it's so difficult to win. At least League u can have pop off games where u just dominate and hard carry and win because of that. Overwatch I had so many games where I'm tearing it up and still lose cuz my team can't make that final push work. No other pvp game ever felt like that.

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wait bideo games :marseylegioncommander: require a phone :marseybestiereject: number to login now???

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>playing vidya

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