Anon is a T.A.

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If you need to cheat in fricking computer science of all things you are terminally N G M I

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If some slog of a lab is available on github why shouldn't I shuffle shit around and turn it in? Change the coursework or I am not going to put in the effort.

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If it's >a slog then you have a skill issue and should probably do the lab

Save cheating for foids and taxes

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No it's a slog because it is literally designed to take time so r-slurs are forced to learn.

Time I would rather spend playing rimworld or working on my own projects.

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Then don't pay for school, you r-slur. Just drop out.

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>Not milking the state for free schooling


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You're not milking shit if you're just cheating.

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In physics the profs would gaslight us by telling us it was an easy midterm this year and the curve would be light, then give us a monster compendium of electrodynamics problems that would take about 3h (in a 45m exam)

Discrete math CS shit is brainlet tier, the only hard parts of CS don't involve programming at all. So, as I said, N G M I

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I (prof) have to write exams sometimes. Unless you have a lot of experience, it's legit difficult to make exams the right difficulty, especially for intro classes. It's hard because if your knowledge of the material is a 10/10, and the students are expected to be at 2/10, from my perspective it's hard to tell the difference between an exam that tests at a 1/10 level (everybody gets 100%), a 2/10 level (good distribution of grades), and a 3/10 level (everybody fails). Profs reuse exam questions because it's hard to come up with questions that perfectly thread that needle.

Timing is also hard; when you come up with questions you are basically reverse engineering a question from a concept you want to test, so from your perspective the path from question to answer is super clear and quick. From the student's perspective it may be but it may not be.

It's also sad when you come up with what you think is a fun, creative, perfectly calibrated question and then either everyone either gets it right or everyone gets it wrong. 😑

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>problems that would take about 3h (in a 45m exam)

This reminds me of one of my physical chemistry professors, dude just had 0 idea how to make an exam time appropriate. One of his exams was so stupidly long we forced him to stay with us so we could finish it, took me like 3 hours for a test that should be 90 minutes long at most and I was one of the first people to leave the room :marseyfacepalm:

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Discrete math

Literally the easiest unit I studied, and the most enjoyable for some reason. Frick functional programming languages, on the other hand.

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If you're so smart you should be able to complete it quickly.


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If some slog of a lab is available on github why shouldn't I shuffle shit around and turn it in?

Because if you get busted, you'll be expelled?

Like don't get me wrong, when I was in high school I programmed a lot of the formulas that I needed for my classes into a graphing calculator. That probably would be considered cheating today, but at the time I did that it wasn't cheating because the teachers didn't realize how easy it was (or maybe they didn't realize that it was even possible) so they never told us not to do it.

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Just don't be stupid about it and you wont be busted, if you are required to present the work before handing it in then ask questions that one might logically arrive at doing the work,

rewrite some parts of it to accomplish the same thing in a different way etc

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If you're smart enough to do that successfully then you clearly understand the material well enough that I don't see any problem with it

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Because then you'll do worse on the exams that are based :marseychadyes: off of what you do in labs. There's virtue in putting in the shit, even if it's a slog. If you are ever caught :marseyflirt: cheating on an assignment like that it will ruin your reputation and will take a ton of effort :marseysisyphus: to recover from.

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There is no virtue in hard work, Jewish psyop.

"Just become indebted to buy a car. Just become indebted to go to school. Just become indebted to buy a house."

"Then keep working hard goyim for 50% of the hours in your life paying off those debts so you can retire at 72 and die at 73"

There is virtue in doing the least amount of work for the most amount of personal gain. Eat out of the dumpster, buy a BIPOCs stolen Android phone, Pretend to work and get paid for it.

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What do you think virtue is

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Self-Actualization strictly on your own terms for yourself and no one else.

Doing things you find compelling, creative and meaningful, not working so that your boss and the banks can r*pe you in the butt, or rising to your economic potential so the state can steal from you and use the money importing Pakistanis. Identifying issues with society and doing your part to prevent them from being perpetuated.

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So cool you use a definition nobody else in the entire world uses.

Ted Bundy thought raping little girls was meaningful and compelling, that doesn't mean it was virtuous.

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Virtue are traits of moral, social or intellectual excellence "Doing what is right." that is all subjective. Ofc that is going to differ person to person? Americans have been gypped into thinking excellence is working as hard as possible so that you can take on 8 different loans to put yourself in chains, I don't think that is excellence. I think that is allowing yourself to be enslaved. I think living your life for you and the people you care about is doing the right thing, that is social excellence, doing things that you find fulfilling and developing interests, abilities and working on interesting projects for the purpose of self expression is intellectual excellence. And not allowing the government to use the sweat of your brow to subjugate you and your family is moral excellence.

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Ok so say it. You believe Ted Bundy was a virtuous individual.

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>There is no virtue in hard work


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Goyim cattle :soyconso#omer:

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Copying code that doesn't work seems like a brainlet choice

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Imagine duplicating the effort of stackoverflow nerds when you could shitpost all day and copy/paste just before your deadline.

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I've always liked that your own work will tell you itself if you did it right


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>t. sophomorecel

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based beyond belief

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Cheaters btfo :marsey#tunaktunakgenocide:

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Wrong marsey


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Wasn't there a thing during the pandemic where the professor failed half his class for plagiarizing and so they tried to get him fired

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Anon just enacted total :marseytunaktunak:, :marseychingchong:, and :marseyflagnigeria: expulsion.

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Dont know if it applies to a scenario like this, but isnt this entrapment? Unless he doesnt admit he had the groomercord ofc

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Yes, this textbook entrapment. The professor is facing years in prison. A good trick is that if you ask, legally they have to tell you if they're a professor

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i heard the same about uranium

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If you ask someone if they are uranium, legally they have to tell you

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JFC, the absolute lawlets on this site.


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Isnt this coersion and manslaughter and genetal chuddery?

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Last paragraph made it not believable. Cheaters get a slap on the wrist.

Plus no prof is using groomercord

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